The cocktails on both Friday and Saturday nights had some unexpected effects. After a sip of a Randy Little Kiwi...

Payback turned into a pyjama-clad table dancer:

Was methylated spirits really the secret ingredient in Domestic Violets?

We fitted 16 around the farmhouse dining table (although some had to crawl under the table to get to their seats):

Saturday was a walking/running day. While some followed a trail along the creek, others set out for Mt Norman:

along a route that led up vast granite slabs to the summit

The secret to reaching the peak was to go all the way up the cleft (as the actress said to the bishop):

Summit shot:

Saturday night dinner at the local pub, where they had a unique system for mixing up meal orders:

James Farmhouse - a comfortable venue:

Wine-tasting. The winemaker: "What sort of group are you?" Urass: "We're the Samford Swinger's Club!"

Many, many thanks to Charcoal and Strine for doing such a great job of organising the accommodation and the catering!
Next run details
When: Sunday 18th April, 4 pm
Where: Corner of McLean Road South and Sutton Court, Camp Mountain. Here's a map.
Hares: Wizzbanger and Hot to Trot
On, on!