They're in the process of transforming it into a great Hash venue - and the first stage (the classy outdoor entertainment area and the mudbath at the entrance) was only completed on Thursday. They've kindly offered it as an on, on venue for the 2010 Halloween run on October 31st. We'll try to churn up some more mud for them then....
A number of our members are taking part in the Samford production of A Midsummer Night's Dream on October 29th and 30th. A couple of them treated us to a preview of their costumes. Firstly, here's Hippolyta the warrior princess with her consort:

And here's Francis Flute the bellows mender - dressed for his role as Thisby:

(And for some reason this reminds me that the Red Dress Run this year will be on the 13th December)
It's only been a year since we enjoyed the great 2009 Samford Hash tennis challenge at the U of Q. It seems much more - there have been so many runs, so many events since then (Halloween 2009, Melbourne and Tugum weekends, Hash Christmas, Stanthorpe weekend, 1000th Run, Interhash in Borneo....)
Anyway, that time of year has rolled around again. Superhacker will be hosting a University Challenge next week - and we meet once more at the U of Q Tennis Centre for a run and a whack. This year I refuse to use the racquet with the big hole in the middle!
Next run details
When: Sunday 10th October, 4 pm
Where: University of Queensland Tennis Centre, Blair Drive, St Lucia (here's a map)
Hare: Superhacker
On, on!