Our hares had excelled themselves in part-finding, part-creating a thoroughly enjoyable new trail around the ridges. They'd specially ornamented it with masses of wildflowers. They'd also provided a very pretty creek crossing, well furnished with leeches.
Leech hunt:

The prize for finding the largest number of leeches had to go to Bigtop, but a young lady who'd come along to assist Jamesbondage and Redbreast around the route probably caught the largest one.
Spielberg was back on a flying visit from Japan, and joined the run for the first time in 4 years! And Urass proved himself a bit of a runner as well, leading Shockjock off on a wild wild-goose chase after some phantom flour.
The decision about when we'd move to a 5pm (summertime) start was deferred for a week or two. However the date and venue for the Hash Christmas party has been fixed. It will be on Saturday 27th November at B&W and Trudi Fruiti's new mansion - just downhill from Jolly's lookout. Now's the time to mark your diaries!
Next run details
When: Sunday 3rd October, 4 pm
Where: Hot to trot and Wizbanger's new homestead - in the middle of the village
Hares: Hot to trot and Wizbanger
If you need directions to this run, please email or call us...see the website for contact numbers!
On, on!