We began with a scrumptious and convivial breakfast at Sails on the waterfront (and a grandstand view of a spectacular powerboat racing mishap). We then adjourned to the nearby Redcliffe festival and markets before meeting up again at Chez Topless for lashings of cake and coffee.
Who'd have thought she was 50? But that's how many candles there were...

As Superhacker once said, "I didn't know hashers could eat so much..."

And here's a rare shot of a hasher without a mouthful (but that's because he's talking):

It was back to the beach after this for the walk/run. With such a load of cake on board, it's no wonder we struggled against the headwind....(By the way, the wind seemed to have died by the time Haughty tried to fly the kite he'd brought along. He was unable to get it up. But then, what's new about that?)
There were a record number of new shoes to baptise:

And Kumo, the newest hash hound, seems to be growing up rapidly:

Here's one of our occasional glances ahead at the Hareline:
Run 1015 26th September - The Shggrs - Jolly's Lookout
Run 1016 3rd October - Wizbanger and Hot to Trot
Run 1017 10th October - Superhacker and Hopalong
Run 1018 17th October - Jamesbondage and Redbreast
Run 1019 24th October - Miss Demeanour and Shockjock
Next run details
When: Sunday 26th September, 4 pm
Where: Jolly's Lookout - park near the start of the trails if you can. Here's a map.
Hares: The Shggrs
On, on!