In fact there were 2 delinquent doggies on this week's run from Anzac Park in Toowong. Jessie laid her owner low - on the concrete - cutting the walk short. And Darcy scarpered -prolonging the run as the runners searched and called. He did turn up the next morning to be collected from Taringa, evidently looking pretty pleased with himself. (He wasn't saying how many beagle crosses will be born in that area in the next couple of months.)
It was a really interesting run through some new territory - taking in the Botanic Gardens and the Brisbane General Cemetery. The runners took some time out to read inscriptions and to chat with a gent who was bedding down for a cold night on the tomb of Governor Blackall ("He doesn't snore much - it's pretty peaceful" he told us).
Miss Demeanour laid on some toothsome Moroccan-style nosh - good stuff! I can't remember all the jokes, but this one (I think) was from Redbreast:
"Two blondes walked into a building. You'd think one of them would have noticed it!"
Charcoal was busy with his camera at the 1000th run. Here's a shot of some of the gathering group modelling their 1000th run shirts:

And here's one of some of us tackling Leave Pass's ditty:

There are more of Charcoal's photos at
Next week a number of us will be leaving pretty well immediately after the run for our trip to Interhash in Borneo! It will be a Brazilian (hareless) run from the village, with pizza to follow.
Next run details
When: Sunday 27th June, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, the village
Hare: M. Promptu - nosh by a pizza purveyor
On, on!