Our 1000th run saw a goodly crowd of eager hashers pounding the precipitous slopes of Clear Mountain and then devouring a gargantuan feast at Charcoal and Strine's. Here's the group that made it back to the start (we hope it's the same as the group that set out):

And here are some of the drinkers:

There were a number of apologies: Possum and Ha'penny were overseas, as were Le Wank, Vegemite, Superhacker and Hopalong. Kegguard (the sole founding member still in the area) was intending to make it but was ill, as was Roddy McDowell. It was good to welcome Uriah (an early member) as well as visitors Radar and Catatonic.
Here are some of the feasters:

The cake celebrated the fact that we have done it 1000 times:

And Shockjock cut it in a very safety-conscious way:

We also held another naming ceremony on the night - welcome to Afterburn!
Thanks to Charcoal and Strine - along with B & W, our only members who have been with Samford Hash since the earliest days - for hosting this run. It was a memorable occasion and a great night. Here's to the next 1000!
Next run details (run 1001!)
When: Sunday 20th June, 4pm
Where: Anzac Park, Toowong, near the playground. Here's a map.
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour
On, on!