From January 2009...
We can rebuild her
Immediately after her first cocky attempt at joining the runners, Superhack fell victim to the vengeful god of DIY, with a fall from a stepladder. It was very painful at the time, however she soon found herself puffing on a penthrane inhaler, surrounded by four burly ambos. Suddenly life was starting to look a whole lot better.... But the (drug induced) euphoria was short lived. Ultimately reconstructive surgery was required. Pictured below is the bionic machine you are now contending with.

As you can see, as well as an industrial strength construction screw, someone appears to have left a tent rope slider in there.
For those who think this is a cheap attempt at getting sympathy from well meaning hash friends - it is (Originally posted 13/1/09)
From February 2009...
"The mountain sheep are sweeter"*
...and I guess that's why Eweshgger lives up the mountain. But we won't ask for details....
The Shggers' latest Mt Nebo run lived up to their usual high standard. It featured mud, jungle, mud, weeds, many long false trails, mud, and just the occasional gradient....A great meal, too, back at the Shggers' shack.
It was nice to welcome the convalescing Superhack and her parents. And it was sad to see Payback suffering the effects of participation in that extreme sport, touch footy. Get well soon, bro.
The blonde jokes at the on, on reminded me of the following:
A blonde female police officer stops another blonde who's been speeding.
"Can I see your licence, please?" she asks.
The blonde driver rummages in her bag: "What's it look like?"
"It's flat and square, and it's got your picture on it."
The blonde finds her mirror: "Oh! Here it is!"
She hands it to the blonde police officer, who looks at it.
"Oh, I'm sorry, love," she says. "I didn't realise you were in the police. You can go."
*Thomas Love Peacock "The War Song of Dinas Vawr" (first published 1829)
(Originally posted 22/2/09)
From March 2009...
Alive, alive, oh!
By all accounts, the live hares had the pack a bit bushed, bothered and bewildered at the start of the run from Lomandra. However, everyone made it home safely, and no-one was carried off by the famous Lomandra mosquitos. The forest looked wonderfully green after recent rains....
Perhaps we'll end the current season of blonde jokes with the following.
A very clever lawyer is sitting next to a blonde on a long plane flight. He suggests that they play a version of Trivial Pursuit to pass the time. He'll ask the blonde a question, and if she doesn't know the answer she'll give him $5. Then it'll be her turn to ask him a question, and if he doesn't know the answer he will give her $100.
The lawyer begins: "What's the capital of France?" he asks.
"I don't know," says the blonde.
"That'll be $5," says the lawyer. "Now you ask me a question."
The blonde thinks a moment. "What goes up a hill on four legs, and downhill on three legs?" she asks.
The lawyer struggles with this one for a long time, but eventually he has to say, "I don't know. Here's your $100. What is the answer?"
"I don't know," says the blonde. "Here's your $5"
(Originally posted 10/3/09)
From May 2009...
A Mt Coot-tha run
The shades of night were falling fast*
by the time the last walkers made it back to base camp after the ascent of Mt Coot-tha.
The threat of avalanches (following the wild weather of the previous week) didn't deter us as we scaled the winding north-western arete and pushed on to achieve a direct descent via the spectacular western face.
We returned to the alpine village of The Gap to replenish our precious bodily fluids and top up our carbs. Shockjock was looking for volunteers to judge the beer competition at the local show, and after some arm-twisting Loverboy reluctantly agreed to sacrifice some of his remaining brain cells for the sake of the local brewing community. As he said, he'll have to put in some practice first, just to get an idea of what the different styles are all about....
Vegemite returned from Japan with some samples of "Breath Palette" toothpaste (pictured)

The flavours are very authentic. However, I don't think my workplace is yet ready for me to turn up after brushing my teeth with Indo Curry flavoured toothpaste....
Clear Mountain beckons next Sunday!
*Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "Excelsior" (1841)
(Originally posted 24/5/09)