From March 2006....
Run 779

(Originally posted 19/3/06)
From May 2006....
Sunday May 21st 2006
Payback and Cash-Converta lived up to their normal high standard in setting a run which offered some challenges for those who don't know their left from their left and find arrows hard to follow. A great run with the distance checked by (gee whiz!!!) a marvel of modern GPS technology! Wine proved to be a popular addition to the menu - hope this doesn't mean we're getting girly.... (Originally posted 23/5/06)
Sunday, May 28, 2006
On Sunday 28th May a small but intrepid band set out from Base Camp at Haughty and Culture's, undeterred by a storm that had swept the summit shortly before. The route followed the south-western arete to the saddle, where a short but tricky northerly traverse above the cliff line took us onto the upper snowfields. From here an ascent following a diagonal line led to the summit ridge. In the great Australian tradition, any climbers who felt ill were left for dead.
Contempt was expressed for those who allowed small matters such as influenza and birthday parties to prevent their joining the expedition. (Originally posted 23/5/06)
From June 2006....
Guess who's turning 16?...what?...surely not?!...60?!!

(Originally posted 16/6/06)
Moreton Island weekend...

On the beach - Neville Shute and Ava Gardner on the left...thermonuclear device on the horizon.

Moreton Island campsite
(Originally posted 22 - 25/6/06)
Winter solstice run...
The village winter solstice run was enobled by the presence of Le W*nk, who set the trail "on the hoof" using plentiful piles of horse manure. A good run, which somehow managed to go uphill all the way.
At Le W*nk's instigation we will be trialling the revival of the old midweek run this Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet at John Scott Park in the village. The run will be followed by hot toddy (no, not totty) at the public bar.
Other news is that Possum has been declared a non-criminal by the Kenyan police, and will hence be allowed to become an Australian. A couple of hundred years ago he would have had to be a criminal to get here. Funny, that. (Originally posted 25/6/06)
From July 2006...
More Moreton:

Apre sand-tobogganing party

How many people could Le W*nk's chair bear? Did you say people?
(Originally posted 1 - 4/7/06)
From September 2006...
Father's Day run
New Father of the Year!
The "Tight Jocks Award" handed out annually on Father's Day ensures that any hasher chosen as "Father of the Year" will never father anyone again. The quaint ritual associated with the award ceremony was accompanied this last Sunday with the consumption of some yummy party nosh including ice cream cones, with sprinkles! and - wait for it - musk sticks!! Thanks to Loverboy and Stockgirl for the run/walk and the on on. Welcome back to Skidmark and family, and a big welcome to some more newbies.
It's back up the mountain again - to the cave of the Shaggrs - for next week's run. (Originally posted 5/9/06)
From October 2006...
A competition: who smells the most?

Samford Hash members, nearing the end of their 4 day hinterland hike, debate the question of who is most in need of a bath. A really enjoyable trip - lots of varied vegetation and some memorable hills. (Originally posted 3/10/06)
Halloween 2006

Unfortunately by the time this picture was taken everyone had removed their very creative Halloween costumes. Many thanks to our scary hosts Payback and Cash Converta, and congratulations on the food, decor (including trick chairs) and fellowship. It's always nice to see that some people have more spider webs than we do... (Originally posted 30/10/06)
A classy literary reference...
As W.B.Yeats (that old hasher) said...
"...the mountain grass
Cannot but keep the form
Where the mountain hare has lain."*
Our mountain hares this coming Sunday (5th November) will be the Shggrs, newly returned from Thailand. They'll have lain the trail from Manorina picnic grounds up the mountain (turn right at the top of the goat track.) Don't know about the mountain grass though, even if Mt. Nebo is famous for it. I think I'll stick to beer.
*from "Memory", first published in The Wild Swans at Coole (1919) (Originally posted 30/10/06)
From December 2006...
And the score was -
Thunderstorm 20, Hashers nil. Yurass and Bigtop laid on what he himself described as a "shocking" run, especially for those caught in a fence as the voltage surged. There were some spectacular close strikes and an enjoyable drenching. Many thanks to the hares for a great run (with some terrific views of the advancing clouds), for some quality nosh, and especially for the dry towels. All much appreciated. (Originally posted 3/12/06)