From July 2008...
Run 900
900 runs old and still going strong
All members contributed to make Run 900 a memorable one for stalwarts and visitors alike:
- Shockjock provided a high quality keg, showing off once more his masterly brewing skills;
- Charcoal and B&W set a challenging run, finding yet another set of Clear Mountain peaks and declivities to test our tendons;
- And Hash chefs too numerous to mention provided some notable nosh. The only question was: whose pea was in the pea and ham soup?
(Originally posted 14/7/08)
Christmas in July weekend
Walking in a winter wonderland
Here are a few shots from the Christmas in July weekend...
The jacuzzi outside cottage 10 (and no, that's not flour on the ground):

Cottage 9 and its mountain backdrop (that's not flour on the ground either):

Santa Payback's sleigh (that's not flour):

The track that went up...

And then went up...

And at last went down:

Christmas dinner and sing-song:

Bigtop and Urass had gone off treasure-hunting, but here's the rest of the hardy crew:

Thanks to everyone for their contributions, and a special thanks to Payback for organising an excellent wine tasting....
(Originally posted 29/7/08)
From September 2008...
A Kumbartcho run
Down down by the riverside
How many checks were there on this week's run? Ninety seven or one hundred and three? I lost count, but our hare had obviously had a lot of fun with them and spent a long time setting a memorably convoluted course. It was a great run, featuring not one but two crossings of the Kumbartcho suspension bridge. Here (from memory) is a record of it for the archives (I'm not sure where the walkers went - and I don't think they knew either):

The on-on also featured an impressive brewery tour and tasting. Here (from memory) is an image of Shockjock's homebrew setup:

Miss Demeanour performed her usual miracles in the kitchen.... (Originally posted 22/9/08)
From October 2008
Halloween preparation
Get intimate with goats
(sorry, I mean ghosts) at our Halloween bash! Expect a spine-chilling run and a monstrous shout up! For a little music to get you in the mood click here!
The tackiest run of the year is on 26th October, at John Scott Park in the village....
And here's a little story for Halloween:
Two nuns are driving down the road when a little demon jumps onto the bonnet of their car, and peers in through the windscreen.
"Help, sister! What shall I do?" screams the driver.
"Turn on the windscreen washer!" cries the other nun. "I filled the bottle up with holy water because I thought this might happen!"
The demon yells in pain as the holy water sprays over him - but he still hangs on!
"What shall I do now, sister?!"
"Show him your cross!"
So the nun who's driving winds down her window.
"Get off my effing car, you effing little b*stard!" she shouts. (Originally posted 13/11/08)
From November 2008
A colourful run
Lost! Lost!
A multiplicity of false trails at the start of the run this last Sunday had Hash members strung out and straggling through the village and over the fields.
No-one had a camera, but fortunately Mr. Titian had brought his paintbox and produced the following depiction of the scene:
"On, on! (The Samford Hash)" by Titian

The colour of the ribbon worn by the FRB in this picture is "rose madder". And there's a little verse about that:
While Titian was mixing rose madder
His model stood posed on a ladder;
Her position to Titian
Suggested coition
So he leapt up the ladder and had her.
Everyone made it back home safely. Thanks to those who contributed to the meal: Blessed are the saladmakers. (Originally posted 24/11/08)
From December 2008...
'Twas the run before Christmas...
and our hares found us even more mudholes to traverse than they did on their last run. What is it with this lot and mud?
Spicegirl also laid on a real Christmas feast - beautiful ham, felafel, crusty rolls and an assortment of salads! We could easily get used to this....
And in case you don't get enough cracks in your crackers, here are a few more - just for you:
What's ET short for?
Because he's only got little legs.
Why did the man get the sack from the orange juice factory?
Because he couldn't concentrate.
What did the fish say when it swam into a wall?
Did you hear about the two ships that collided at sea? One was carrying red paint and the other was carrying blue paint. All the sailors ended up being marooned.
What is Santa's favourite pizza?
One that's deep pan, crisp and even.
On which side do chickens have the most feathers?
The outside.
What do you call a woman who stands between two goal posts?
What do you call a man with brown paper trousers?
What's a specimen?
An Italian astronaut
Had enough? (Originally posted 23/12/08)