Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Pining again

Budgie and Miss Behavin' took us back into scenic Tom Petrie country along the Pine this Sunday, offering three different routes - for runners, walkers and SCBs. We were treated to a couple of river crossings, some fig-lined riverside walkways and an unfamiliar short-cut over a ridge between two river reaches. Beef bourguignon (and yes, I did look up the spelling) and chocolate slice followed. Many thanks, hares!

Upstanding and Idle Vice returned from Austria bearing schnapps and chocolate to share. Thanks to you! And Mile High and Hugandkiss were also back from a short sojourn in Blighty.

We celebrated Redbreast's birthday in a traditional way:

In Alaska, Charcoal and Strine have been doing some calm and serene voyaging on a raft along the Mendenhall River:

A view from the raft:

Finally, here are a couple of shots from last weekend.

"What music? I came here for the food!"

A sign in a shop window in Blackbutt - makes you think, dunnit?

Next run details
When: Sunday 11th August, 4 pm
Where: Le W*nk's Mitchelton manor
Hares: Le W*nk and Lax

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!