Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Heraclitus right again!

"The way up and the way down are one and the same," remarked Heraclitus of Ephesus in about 500 BC. And despite his other famous doctrine that change is a key feature of the universe ("You can never step in the same river twice"), his observation was as true on Sunday as it was when he made it. The way up and the way down were one and the same....

On Sunday morning hashers Budgie, Miss Behavin', Shaggy, Cadbury, Superhacker and Culture all took part in the Goat Track Madness event which hashers Mile High and Hugandkiss had played a huge role in organising. Hundreds of people took the way up and the (same) way down the Goat Track to raise thousands of dollars for MS research. Miss Behavin', Budgie, Cadbury and Shaggy showed off their sausage-sizzling skills (honed at many a hash), while others helped at the registration desk. Congratulations to Hugandkiss and Mile High on a really successful fundraiser!

Then on Sunday afternoon hashers were offered two alternative ways - up and down Mt. Lawson, or up and down Cedar Creek Road. Here are some of Payback's shots of the way up and down the mountain, and of the view from the top for those who didn't make it:

Back at the hares' we gathered round the fire pit as darkness began to fall. We welcomed a visitor from Adelaide and bade farewell to Footsie, who's off to Cambodia and Vietnam. Happy landings, as they used to say!

Next Sunday we'll be celebrating Fathers' Day by awarding the ancient bejeweled Tight Jocks to our 2019 Father of the Year! You'll find reminders of some of our previous events here and here and here. Oh, and remember to bring along your favourite Dad Jokes!

Next run details
When: Sunday 1st September, 4 pm
Where: Hugandkiss and Mile High's Highvale hacienda
Hares: Mile High and Hugandkiss

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!