Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Heraclitus right again!

"The way up and the way down are one and the same," remarked Heraclitus of Ephesus in about 500 BC. And despite his other famous doctrine that change is a key feature of the universe ("You can never step in the same river twice"), his observation was as true on Sunday as it was when he made it. The way up and the way down were one and the same....

On Sunday morning hashers Budgie, Miss Behavin', Shaggy, Cadbury, Superhacker and Culture all took part in the Goat Track Madness event which hashers Mile High and Hugandkiss had played a huge role in organising. Hundreds of people took the way up and the (same) way down the Goat Track to raise thousands of dollars for MS research. Miss Behavin', Budgie, Cadbury and Shaggy showed off their sausage-sizzling skills (honed at many a hash), while others helped at the registration desk. Congratulations to Hugandkiss and Mile High on a really successful fundraiser!

Then on Sunday afternoon hashers were offered two alternative ways - up and down Mt. Lawson, or up and down Cedar Creek Road. Here are some of Payback's shots of the way up and down the mountain, and of the view from the top for those who didn't make it:

Back at the hares' we gathered round the fire pit as darkness began to fall. We welcomed a visitor from Adelaide and bade farewell to Footsie, who's off to Cambodia and Vietnam. Happy landings, as they used to say!

Next Sunday we'll be celebrating Fathers' Day by awarding the ancient bejeweled Tight Jocks to our 2019 Father of the Year! You'll find reminders of some of our previous events here and here and here. Oh, and remember to bring along your favourite Dad Jokes!

Next run details
When: Sunday 1st September, 4 pm
Where: Hugandkiss and Mile High's Highvale hacienda
Hares: Mile High and Hugandkiss

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Potluck potter

It seems incredible, but it's a year since Prattle received her hash name in celebration of her birthday. This year she was playing soccer and turned up too late for her birthday down, down - but we'll make up for that in the future....

Potluck again produced a sumptuous and varied feast after a pleasant wintry stroll from the village. Thanks to all for their contributions!

Surprise, surprise! - the lights in the John Scott shelter were still playing up. It's time for Shockjock to once again get on the blower to his mates in Council....And the word is that Le W*nk was rather excited and pleased about a certain football (soccer, was it? or AFL?) result.

There's a somewhat busy weekend coming up in Samford. Firstly, on Saturday evening Haughty invites you to help celebrate his birthday by attending the Feed Lucy gig in Dayboro. It's at the Dayboro Catholic Church at 6:30 pm, and it's only $5 per person! Plus there'll be birthday cake and fizz for any friends who turn up! (BYO chairs)

(You can find a taste of Feed Lucy's music, recorded in a Samford studio, here.)

Then on Sunday morning Mile High and Hugandkiss invite you to go for a stroll up the Goat Track to help raise funds for MS research. The start is at 8.30 am at the bottom of the Goat Track. And you can even do it by wheelchair if you like! (More information here.)

Elsewhere in the world...Bigtop has been following in Charcoal and Strine's footsteps in North America and clearly having a great time. Here's one of Strine's shots from the Butchart Gardens:

In Japan, Culture and Oishii were pictured strolling towards the Miho Museum:

And Haughty got a bit damp while jogging in the hills above Wazuka. (Despite the promotional shirt, he didn't meet anyone who wanted to sign up to Samford Hash.)

Next run details
When: Sunday 25th August, 4 pm
Where: Meet at Andy Williams Park, Cedar Creek. A map!
Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Mitchie mountains

The word is that those who had expected a Mitchie trail to be a flat one were flabbergasted to find how many mountains there are in the area. Hare Le W*nk took the group up every one.

We welcomed Charcoal and Strine back from Alaska. They brought back a moose fridge magnet for our hare, having been struck by how much it resembled him....

Plebs like hashers are not welcome in Le W*nk's house, so a freezing cold group huddled in his garage, where Payback held forth. You can see the guard dog protecting the door into the house in one of these shots.

Many, many thanks, hares!

Next run details
When: Sunday 18th August, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park
Hares: M. Promptu will set the run; Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Pining again

Budgie and Miss Behavin' took us back into scenic Tom Petrie country along the Pine this Sunday, offering three different routes - for runners, walkers and SCBs. We were treated to a couple of river crossings, some fig-lined riverside walkways and an unfamiliar short-cut over a ridge between two river reaches. Beef bourguignon (and yes, I did look up the spelling) and chocolate slice followed. Many thanks, hares!

Upstanding and Idle Vice returned from Austria bearing schnapps and chocolate to share. Thanks to you! And Mile High and Hugandkiss were also back from a short sojourn in Blighty.

We celebrated Redbreast's birthday in a traditional way:

In Alaska, Charcoal and Strine have been doing some calm and serene voyaging on a raft along the Mendenhall River:

A view from the raft:

Finally, here are a couple of shots from last weekend.

"What music? I came here for the food!"

A sign in a shop window in Blackbutt - makes you think, dunnit?

Next run details
When: Sunday 11th August, 4 pm
Where: Le W*nk's Mitchelton manor
Hares: Le W*nk and Lax

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!