The name of the road into the area - Blue Hills Drive - may have derived from that of a radio soap, but also hints at the local topography. The runners' route, in particular, climbed from near the start, and then climbed again, and then again....A welcome downhill stretch brought them onto the walkers' trail, where there were (surprise, surprise) one or two more ups and downs to contend with. As our hare noted, it's all good training for the Hammersley run in Fiji (Doo dah, doo dah.)
30 of us gathered back at the park for pasta and cake. Miss Demeanour treated her cold to a birthday down, down. Many thanks, hares!

Next Sunday a large contingent will be joining the long weekend crowds (and probably freezing their butts off) at Girraween. (The nostalgic can find some historical shots of a previous Girraween excursion here.) The stayathomes will celebrate Labour Day by wagging the red flag in our traditional fashion.
Next run details
When: Sunday 6th May, 4 pm
Where: For those away at Girraween - at Girraween. For those staying at home - John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: For the stayathomes - Culture and Haughty
On, on!