Our hares set a varied and well-marked trail, taking in burbs and bush, and downhills as well as ups. They followed this up with some tasty and filling nosh. Here are some of the 30 or so humans in the group (there were a few canines as well) feeding their faces:
Many thanks to Floater and Scratchit!
Next weekend we'll be celebrating Australia's participation in The Great War, so it's appropriate that we should be meeting at Bert Hinkler Park in Wilston. Hinkler served as both pilot and gunner in the pioneering days of aerial warfare. No need to BYO plane (or gun) on Sunday, but our hares have asked that we bring some chairs....
Finally - Eweshggr has donated a colourful collection of Hash shirts from around the world. We'll be selling these off over the next few weeks, with proceeds to go to the homeless women's shelter that Culture has been helping raise funds for - and that hashers have already contributed to significantly. It's a great cause, and it's also your chance to snap up some classic designs!
Next run details
When: Sunday 26th April, 4 pm
Where: Bert Hinkler Park, Silvester Street, Wilston. A map!
Hares: Bigtop, Urass and Hardcore
Remember, please bring a
On, on!