Molly managed to hide her disappointment at the news that her reign as #1 hash baby will be shortlived. She remains determined to relish the remaining months of her role, and got them off to a good start by sporting a designer hash-babe T-shirt. It got Darcy quite jealous.
Our hares led us on a very scenic run/walk through the local forest followed by an amazing feast of roast ham salad and new potatoes - with an array of cakes to follow.
There was champagne all round to celebrate the news. The mum-to-be took the "weight" off her feet and was treated to a foot massage.

Then a disorderly rabble of hashers, claiming to be "in the family way" began demanding foot massages, and the highly trained masseurs donned nose pegs.
The toasting continued, as there was much to celebrate this week. There were a couple of Birthdays (Haughty, and James Bondage). A couple of Tai Kwon Do Orange belts (Chinwag and ShockJock). Some were running away to infect other parts of the world (Bon-Voyage Haughty and Culture).
Others have globe-trotting and/or significant birthday plans (CashConverta, Payback, BigTop). The dogs celebrated canine unity.
Before she left Hardcore was reassured that she didn't need to fret over a baby name as we had it in hand. We are really good at naming people. Not to alarm you at all Hardcore, but the working title appears to be ... the unisex Sasha, but we will spell it in the Yoonique way 'S'asha (short for It's a hasher). Please note the random placement of apostrophes designed to annoy and frustrate primary school teachers and government officials. If this doesn't work out we'll move on to the definitive-list-of-unusual-baby-names-will-destroy-your-soul.
Thanks to our hares Redbreast and Jamesbondage for a great walk/run and delicious meal.
Next run details
When: Sunday 1st September, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: Toss O'Coin will set the run; Pot Luck will provide the meal (that is, please bring something to share)
On, on!