Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pot luck a-plenty

Potluck as usual provided a preposterously prodigious proliferation of provender for the 30 hashers and guests who'd turned up for a M. Promptu wander through the woods last Sunday. Well done to all cooks!

It was good to welcome a couple of local guests as well as Moshi-Moshi, a visiting hasher from the land of the rising sun:

Snap! An amazing example of telepathy...these girls assured us that this twinning wasn't planned:

Greetings arrived this last week from Jamesbondage and Redbreast who were in Sarajevo at the time. This is the town that the local Tourist Board really managed to put on the map in 1914 by staging the event that started WW1. We might prepare some trivia questions to put to these travellers on their return. What were the names of Archduke Ferdinand's corgis? What colour was the Black Hand? We look forward to seeing their photos....

We also bade farewell this week to another couple of travellers: Charcoal and Strine are heading off for another venture into the Red Heart of the continent. We look forward to their photos too.

We'll be crossing the water ourselves this coming Sunday, so you'll need your Go-card. And don't be late! The word from our hares is as follows:
The plan is to catch a ferry at 4.08.  
Latecomers, dogs and stragglers to follow blue arrows til you pick up the trail (and turn around when you meet the rest of the hashers)
Got it?

Next run details
When: Sunday 26th August, 4 pm
Where: Guyatt Park, 46 Hiron St, St Lucia QLD 4067, Australia
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

PS: Don't forget that Go-card for the ferry!

On, on!