It was a lovely day - nice weather, beaut views, and lots of interesting people and activities to observe: it's good to get out of our ruts now and then!
Here are some of the walkers going down on the notorious Kangaroo Point stairs (no comments of that sort, thank you!)

And here are some of Hardcore's wedding pics. Great shots! She and Nathan obviously had a triffic time on honeymoon, after being upgraded to business class on the way over to Hawaii. Then karma struck: they had to fork out an extra $2500 to get home - traveling cattle class on a carrier that hadn't gone bust....
For next week's run we're heading back to somewhere we haven't been for a while - the bustling metropolis of Dayboro. It's Make an Offer and Banger's maiden run, and it'll be good to have a crowd there to support them.
Next run details
When: Sunday 18th March, 5 pm
Where: Banger and Make an Offer's Dayboro dacha
Hares: Make an Offer and Banger
If you need directions to this run please call or email us.
On, on!