Banger and Make an Offer had laid on a wonderfully scenic excursion around some of the back routes and byeways of the village. The builders' crayon they used lasted pretty well in the rain - NB for future hares! Nevertheless the runners missed a left turn and added a few hundred metres to their route....
We had a dognapper in our midst (isn't there a Disney movie about someone like that?) Fortunately a few phone calls around the neighbourhood did locate an owner for the furry friend that Topless had acquired en route.
Here are a few shots from the occasion...
Toga: Goody! Dinner on legs!
Kumo: Bring it on! Bring it on!

Relaxing at the on, on (and dropping grass and mud everywhere):

Wedding photos:

The mandatory group portrait (photography by Topless):

Thanks to our first-time hares! A great run, great meal, and very well-organised weather!
Next week we're heading once more for the inner suburbs and the great grey-green greasy Brisbane river....
Next run details
When: Sunday 25th March, 5 pm
Where Robertson Park, Indooroopilly (Taringa? St. Lucia?). Here's a map anyway.
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong
Please bring a...
On, on!