Other visitors turned up from as far away as Arizona (G'day, Jammies!), Singapore and South Africa. Here's a shot of some of the fine folk who dropped by:

Good to meet youse all!
Superhacker and Hopalong obviously had a really busy day. When did they find the time to set the run? They served up some cool and scenic running/walking through the St Lucia golf course and along the river, and threw in some bonus hills as well. Thanks, hares! (Good stew, too....)
There's a bit of a theme developing here: golf courses...one-party states...Ewesh*gger treated us to a description of the amazing golfing prowess of the late Kim Jong Il. I didn't know that he hit 11 holes-in-one on the one and only occasion on which he played golf! But 17 security guards couldn't have got it wrong, could they?
Here are some more fascinating facts about the Dear Leader. What these fail to reveal is that this secret hasher completed over 1000 hash runs every year, and drank 2 cartons of beer after every run. Or am I perhaps getting him confused with Le W*nk?
The days are drawing in rapidly - so from next Sunday we'll be meeting at our 4 pm winter start time. Please take note! We are not fooling, despite the date!
And next week's run/walk will be timed to allow us a bit of a Cedar Creek waterhole swim before the on, on. So bring your togs/swimmers/jammies...the water is beautiful at the moment....
Next run details
When: Sunday 1st April, 4 pm - note, 4 pm!
Where: Andy Williams Park, Cedar Creek Road, Cedar Creek
Hares: Haughty and Culture
On, on!