Then raise the scarlet standard high
Within its shade we live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here!
There was enough mud on the run/walk to share around without anyone feeling they'd been left out. And true to the spirit of the occasion, the meal was also a communal affair, exemplifying the slogan: "From each according to her ability, to each according to his needs". As always on pot luck evenings, it was a real feast!
Miss Demeanour's birthday was celebrated in the usual way. It really didn't seem a year since her last birthday down-down, but that was at the Shggr's memorable 2010 ANZAC Day run....
Here's a little story that Stalin himself evidently enjoyed telling:
A delegation from Georgia meets with Stalin in his office. After they have gone, he notices his pipe is missing. He calls Beria (chief of secret police) and tells him.
A few minutes later, however, he finds the pipe under a pile of papers. He calls Beria back and tells him not to bother with the investigation.
"It's too late," says Beria. "Half the members of the delegation have confessed to the theft, and the other half died while they were being interviewed...."
Having upped the workers this week, we'll be associating ourselves with Brisbane's upper crust next Sunday for our Mothers' Day run. Bigtop, Urass and Hardcore are calling all mothers, prospective mothers, and makers of mothers to a trail from Newstead Park! Of course we do expect them to be laying flour through Newstead House itself... but in case you're running too fast to examine its treasures you can take a virtual tour here.
And finally: For sale - 1 slightly used camping stove, found at Undambi Reserve on Sunday. Offers over $ tyre-kickers, please. Interested? Contact next week's hares.

Next run details
When: Sunday 8th May, 4 pm (Mothers' Day run)
Where: Newstead Park, corner Brisbane River and Breakfast Creek
Hares: Bigtop, Urass and Hardcore
On, on!