A well-hung ghost:

...who made an even more terrifying appearance later as The Creature from the Blue Lagoon:

Jack, the Hell Hound:

Some young Unholy Hash Terrors:

Halloweeners (thanks to Topless for the photography):

We also sang "Happy birthday" to Fleabite - everybody's getting old!
No word yet from those members HHHiking in the HHHills of Nepal - look out for some spectacular shots on their return!
The date for Hash Christmas has had to change from Saturday the 27th November to Friday 26th...Keep it free! And remember that from this coming Sunday (7th November) we move to a 5 pm Summertime start time!
Next run details
When: Sunday 7th November 5 pm, repeat 5 pm, repeat 5 pm.
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt O'Reilly Road. A map!
Hares: Haughty and Culture
On, on!