A celebratory meal of champagne, make-your-own corned beef sandwiches, Real Men's Quiche and birthday strudel followed.
Here's most of the colorful crowd (thanks to Topless for the photography)...Where's Hardcore?

To signal our love, thanks and affection we awarded the Birthday Girls a special down-down!
This was followed by a naming ceremony for the Shggrs' granddaughter - hereafter to be know as Poledancer. (Her grandfather can reveal the significance of this name. My lips are sealed....)
And Hardcore - engaged last week - celebrated a birthday this week with another champagne down-down.
The two birthday hares are helped to extinguish the birthday cake (birthday girl Hardcore in the background)...

It's Hash Christmas this Friday...just a few more sleeps!
Next run details
1. Hash Christmas Party!
When: Friday 26th November - from whenever you can get there. Theme - Shipwreck! What were you doing when the ship went down?
Where: B & W and Fruti's new mansion at Mt Nebo
2. Recovery run
When: Sunday 28th November, 5 pm.
Where: John Scott Park, the village
Hare: M. Promptu will set the run. Catering will be by Leftover, assisted by Potluck if necessary.
On, on!