Our hares had struggled to find a few hills in the Clear Mountain area, but they managed it. We had a very pleasant run/walk in the crisp winter air, and then admired Payback's new paved area before covering it with splatters of grease from the BBQ.
I can't resist posting just a few more Borneo shots - this time from Bako National Park. Here are some Samford Hash members arriving at park headquarters, having traveled by sampan across the South China Sea (doesn't that sound romantic?)

At the end of a very hot walk we came to this beach (and found we could have traveled here by boat as well)

But then we'd have missed chatting with this fellow, who was hanging out coyly in the mangroves:

Next week Shockjock, Miss Demeanour and Co. (including Darcy) are doing the honours....
Next run details
When: Sunday 22nd August, 4 pm
Where: The run starts from Darcy's Kennel. If you need directions, please email us....
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour
On, on!