Most of us just ended up with charcoal-black hands and black faces, but an emergency rescue team had to set out from home base with wine and bandages to comfort one member who'd done her knee. Lucky the satellite phone was working.
And then...just when we thought we were miles from home (and would soon have to start drinking our own urine) we found ourselves back there and drinking Shockjock's excellent home brew.
A great run and some wonderful nosh - and a good Irish joke from Chinwag too. Thanks to Miss Demeanour for rising from her sickbed to cater for us all.
Hardcore brought along the latest Hash hound - Kumo:

Shockjock also presented a couple of trophies from the airport trinket box:

Hot-to-trot's award referenced her role as the female Bruce Springsteen, while Haughty's referenced his role in an upcoming theatre production:

Next Sunday sees a return to a more sedate suburban venue. It will suit those of us who'll be running the Bridge to Brisbane in the morning.
Next run details
When: Sunday 29th August, 4 pm
Hares: Bigtop, Urass, Hardcore and Kumo
Where: Bigtop's Stafford mansion. If you need directions to this run, please email us.
On, on!