We finished the day back up the mountain, re-enacting some of the great jungle campaigns - crossing the "River Kwai" and the "Sepic River", and struggling up the "Burma Road" and the "Kokoda Track".
Our hares laid on a great run for the Samford Hash Athletic Group and our visitors Radar and Mudballs. They followed it up with a wholly authentic meal of bully beef, spud, onion and carrot....
Who won the biggest leech competition? Nipper put in a good performance, though by the time this photo was taken his bite had been covered with a bandaid:

And Culture found a fair-sized leech when she got home and took her shoes off:

But no-one could seriously compete with Radar's scar. Was this really caused by a bloody big leech, or by a hip operation?

We celebrated Miss Demeanour's birthday in the usual style, though she'd have preferred a better quality wine for her down-down:

The cake:

And who could celebrate Anzac Say without a game of Two up?

Come in, spinner!

On another front, the Samford Hash Art Project is nearing completion. As a group portrait, it will be entered in the Archibald Prize next year! Here's the current state of the Senior canvas:

Top row: Cash Converta, Payback, James Bondage, Red Breast, Big Top, Superhacker
Second row: Leave Pass, Miss Demeanour, Wizzbanger, Lover Boy, Stock Girl, Possum
Third row: Charcoal, Floater, Scratchit, YShggr, Topless, Ha'Penny
Fourth row: Haughty, Strine, Hardcore, UShggr, Urass, Culture
Fifth row: Blankety blank, B & W, Vegemite, Blank, Trudi Fruti
(Still to paint - Bendit, Bladerunner, Shockjock)
And here's the Junior work:

Top row: Chinwag, Fleabite
Second row: Nipper, Slammit
Third row: Hot to Trot (she's a child forever), Up Front
Finally...more photos by Eweshggr have been added to the collection of Stanthorpe weekend pix. They include some great shots of the Cunningham's skink he found near the Eye of the Needle. You can find these here.
Next run details
When: Sunday May 2, 4 pm
Where: Bullocky's Rest Picnic Area, North Pine Dam (note: meet and park outside the gates - you don't want to be shut in after dark!)
Hares: Payback and Cash Converta
On, on!