This week's run report comes to you courtesy of Payback - thanks to him!
"It was a small turnout at Upper Kedron on Sunday but numbers were bolstered by visiting hashers Radar and Bedpan. As usual, we left from Parksedge Street and trekked towards Bellbird Grove. It was a pleasant trail and the runners took it easy, as Haughty was not there to push them. Afterwards, we retired to the Honeyeater Street Park where Leave Pass plied us with various pizzas and salads. Thanks to Leave Pass for taking care of our culinary needs. Our beer meister, Upstanding, deserves another thank-you for his ongoing provision of tasty beers. He has a special treat for us at the Christmas party."
Here are some of Radar's pictures from the walk:
We look forward to catching up again with Radar and Bedpan at the Red Dress Run....
And here are some of Cash Converta's pics from the event:
A small but high quality bunch:
Some sage advice:
Kermit has been on a luxury cruise to Makira island. Here are some shots showing the cabin (and people taking all that they needed) and the bench she slept on:
Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 17th November, 5 pm
Where: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock's humpy in the bush
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour
(If you need directions to this run, please email us)
On, on!