Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Three days only?

This Sunday's meet was held in the looming shadow of the Brisbane lockdown that arrived a day later. And though we're locked down for three days only at the moment, there's clearly a possibility that our Easter Egg run this year may be disrupted as so many of our runs were in 2020. Oh well - we've managed our arrangements so far...look out for an email later in the week if things change.

Snappy was very active as usual on our jaunt through parts of the inner city, and here's a selection of her candid shots. She really is a chip off the old block - her dad was a beach photographer on the Gold Coast "back in the day"!

Idle Vice supplied a delicious cherry ripe cake to help us celebrate Upstanding's birthday. And Beermeister Upstanding surprised us with some Kilkenny Irish Ale! (It disappeared pretty quickly.) Thanks to both of them!

Finally, Hopalong celebrated her 18th birthday this week. Given her riding abilities, she actually has quite an appropriate Hash name. Congratulations, young lady!

Next run details

When: Sunday 4th April, 4 pm (Easter Egg Run)

Where: Corner Buranda and Clear Mountain roads, Clear Mountain (a map!)

Hares: Charcoal and Strine

On, on!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Back on deck

This last Sunday we were back on our hares' spectacular deck - the one on which we enjoyed our 2020 Christmas party. But the view was very different this time:

In fact standing on the deck was a bit like being on the deck of a windjammer rounding the Horn. Despite the size on the raindrops, they were still being blown horizontally at times. And only the hardiest of souls could take it for very long:

(Not that the dogs had much choice....)

The rumour is that not everybody headed off on the trail (really?) and that both runners and walkers cut it a bit short. Runner Banger was wearing trail shoes with a Goretex lining - which worked a treat at first, but failed to keep his feet dry when we met up with some calf-deep and then knee-deep puddles. Then to add injury to immersion, the wet soles slipped as he was straddling a metal gate, with agonising results!

Some drenched walkers:

Driven in from the deck, and dry once more, we enjoyed a selection of meaty and vegetarian and gluten-free and gluten-rich pasta and salad. Many, many thanks to our hares B&W and Trudi Fruti for their hospitality, and especially for letting us (25 of us, we think) indoors!  Here's some more of Snappy's candid camerawork:

Cadbury and Idle Vice are planning a frocked-up, gin-soaked Hash Femmes outing on June 5th. Male designated drivers should take note of the date as well!

Next run details

When: Sunday 28th March, 4 pm

Where: Neal Macrossan Park, Paddington. Parking in Moreton, Chrystal and other surrounding streets. A map!

Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Twists and turns

Many of us were familiar with the area we traversed this last Sunday. Some worked there, some lived there, some shopped there, some went to the gym there, some worshiped there....But our hares put enough twists and turns into our convoluted route along Kedron Brook and surrounding suburbs to disorient us.

And, not content with these twists and turns, Cadbury twisted and turned her ankle! First aider Idle Vice (aka Nightingale) and ambo driver Bigtop rendered assistance...and with a bit of RICE she should be as good as new by next week.

We returned to the new Hills District Playground for a play on the swings, a snort, snags, salad, chicken and chocolate (not necessarily all at the same time.) Many thanks to hares Lax and Le W*nk!

Snappy the cameraperson was at it again. Here are some of her candid shots:

And a reminder - we move to a 4 pm start from next Sunday! Our hares' driveway will provide enough exercise for some, but if you like imitating polar bears you might bring some togs.

Next run details

When: Sunday 21st March, 4 pm - note, 4 pm

Where: B&W and Trudi Fruti's views-for-ever mansion

Hares: Trudi Fruti and B&W

On, on!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

When twilight is fading I pensively rove...

The words of the old Ashgrove song were quite appropriate as we roved - pensively or otherwise - back to the Enchanted Forest. Twilight was beginning to fade, signalling that it's time for us to change to a 4 pm winter start time again. We'll do it at the Equinox as usual, on the 21st March. So next Sunday's run will be the last to start at 5 pm for a while. Wonder who we'll catch out this year? There's usually someone....

We counted 38 of us in the circle this week, after a jaunt along the Enoggera Creek on a route that seemed very popular with the general populace. Appropriately for a family Hash, we ranged in age from the extremely young to the extremely not-so-young. Three or four large slabs of pasta bake and a tonne of veges disappeared as if by magic, as did a tub of ice cream...an Enchanted Forest indeed. Many thanks to Floater and Scratchit!

Here are some of Snappy's excellent shots from the occasion:

Escargot and Dingo celebrate International Women's Day:

And Floater finishes off the ice cream:

A couple of anniversary-celebrating lovebirds marked the event with a down, down. They were joined by Squelch, who was celebrating retirement from the army. He's given up on us and says that we can jolly well defend ourselves from now on:

Le W*nk and Lax are introducing us to a spanking new playground next Sunday. Should be fun!

Next run details

When: Sunday 14th March at 5 pm (last of the summertime runs)

Where: The new Hills District All Abilities Playground, off Olearia Street, Arana HIlls. A map!

Hares: Le W*nk and Lax

We suggest you bring a chair.

On, on!