Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hashy Christmas 2020

What a great venue for this year's Hash Christmas party! Views from the deck all the way to a distant firework display at Redcliffe...a pool (without a shallow end) to bob about in...ample bench space for a huge banquet...and a table seating perhaps 20 people at a time!

We think there were about 36 - 38 of us there, but there was more than enough food (and drink, importantly) for us all. Thanks to everyone for their contributions - and special thanks to 

- our hosts B&W and TF;

- our brewers Shockjock and Scratchit;

- Miss Demeanour for organising the distribution and redistribution of gifts through a noisy Secret Santa game;

- Tatty and Squelch, for providing the means for many to play "Cuddle the Baby".

The theme of "Country Life" was interpreted in various ways. Dolly Parton made an appearance, as did a cowgirl who hadn't got the blues, a cow, a coupla truckers, some freckled hayseeds, a number of jack and jilleroos, and a particularly scary Santa. Here are some shots to help jog your memory of the evening, especially if the latter part has become a bit blurred in your mind....

We followed up on Sunday with a recovery run from John Scott Park. And next Sunday marks the last run of a very peculiar year. Hope to see you there!

Next run details

When: Sunday 27th December, 5 pm

Where: Corner Woods Rd and Mt Samson Rd, Closeburn. A map! After at Haughty and Culture's hillside hideaway.

Hares: Culture and Haughty

Note: You might like to bring some togs along, just in case....

On, on!