Monday, November 23, 2020

A Good Place for Watery Fowls

"Murrumba" means "Good Place" in Turrbal, and the original local people must have found this place very good for harvesting fish and waterbirds. You don't realise how many beautiful tree-lined lakes and wetland areas there are in the area until you walk or run the sort of route our hares took us on this last Sunday. 

The runners' trail also included some very scenic sections of the North Pine. They encountered some markings from another Hash, but luckily some of them had been listening to the chalk talk and remembered to follow the yellow arrows. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable expedition!

We returned to Budgie and Miss Behavin's for a hearty meal; multiple canines cavorted in the back yard. Many thanks to our hares!

A bit of horseplay and a reaction to it led to Le W*nk and Culture sharing a down, down:

We congratulated and thanked Payback and Cash Converta for taking on so many Hash roles over many, many years. It's high time that the rest of us took turns to share some of the load...and it was great that Shaggy and Cadbury volunteered to take on the job of Hash W(h)iners for a bit, while Upstanding and Idle Vice volunteered to assume the Biermeister mantle. It'll be a change for Payback and Cash Converta to have a bit of room in their car boot....

And speaking of room in the boot, here's a shot from last week. You're invited to make up your own caption - bring it along on Sunday!

Finally, we were saddened this last week to learn of Stockgirl's death, and some of us were able to attend her funeral - 2020 style - through livestreaming. She was commemorated for her volunteer work as a driver and committee member of the Samford Support Network, and remembered as a keen and skilled horsewoman, an animal lover with an extraordinary number of pets, a very stylish dresser, and a talented project manager and trader. Though she hadn't hashed with us for a while, those who were around in the noughties and early twenty-teens can recall very well the excursions that she and Loverboy used to take us on through the Upper Camp Mountain and Wight's Mountain areas. Here she is, arriving at our 2011 Hash Christmas party. On, on, Stockgirl!

Next run details

When: Sunday 29th November, 5 pm

Where: Ironbark Gully picnic area. A map!

Hares: M. Promptu will set the trail; Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!