Monday, January 20, 2020

What a difference a week can make!

A week ago, Kedron Brook was dry. But this is what we found on Sunday - and note the debris which indicates how much higher the water would have been a day or two before:

Rain had washed the trail markings away, so the walkers followed live hares while the runners were on their own after they'd reached the Brook. Our hares had made special arrangements for the rain to hold off while we were out and while we relished a beaut meal of curries and pavs. Many thanks to Upstanding and Idle Vice!

Some of the runners en route:

The group of 30-something stretching up the driveway:

We were joined by Heavy Metal on one of his periodic visits from New Zealand and by another couple of international visitors from Taiwan. They and birthday girl Tweety-pie participated in a traditional ceremony as darkness fell:

Ozday has rolled around once more, so look forward to some traditional fare next week following an extremely flat bushland wander. You'll find records of a couple of previous events here and here.

Next run details
When: Sunday 26th January, 5 pm
Where: Corner Clear Mountain Road and Buranda Road, Clear Mountain. A map!
Hares: Charcoal and Strine

On, on!