Meanwhile in Japan, Mile High and Hugandkiss completed another pilgrimage, and were awarded doubly-endorsed tickets to both a Catholic and a Buddhist heaven:
And in Europe, Charcoal and Strine continued their historical pilgrimage up Etna (where Charcoal is pictured in a snow-dusted crater), and around the ruins, cave dwellings and restoration sites of Sicily and the southern tip of Italy.
Back in Samford on a showery Easter Sunday, both walkers and runners completed (almost) their M. Promptu circuits before the rain began again. Potluck, as usual, supplied a toothsome and plentiful feast. Thanks, all, for your contributions!
Home and dry:
Food, glorious food:
Sextet with voices raised in Hash Harmony:
Next run details
When: Sunday 28th April, 4 pm
Where: Parksedge Street, Upper Kedron (where we have met before). A map!
Hares: Leave Pass (?and Escargot)
On, on!