Members of our Canberra chapter were in town this week, and Wizzbanger, Hot to Trot, Upfront and Slammit joined us for the mid-week run/walk on Wednesday. It was really good to catch up, and surprising to reflect that it's over 4 years since they packed their trailer and headed off for that Sodom and Gomorrah of the south, our national capital.

Hash Femmes enjoyed a girls' evening out on Saturday, first at the Powerhouse (where Kate Ceberano was on the menu) and then at Escobar (where Spatchcock was.) And, yes, Hugandkiss and Superhacker are there somewhere....
Our WA travelers have followed their alcoholic noses to the Margaret River region, but this week we're featuring a few of their shots from Fremantle (Maritime Museum), Rottnest Island (quokkas) and Perth (Kings Park, Perth Mint, and more wildflowers). There are lots more great photos here.
WA Maritime Museum (HMAS Ovens):
Rottnest Island:
Gold ingot at the Perth Mint
Perth from Kings Park:
When: Sunday 9th October
Where: Arana Hills Library, Cobbitty Crescent, Arana Hills. A map!
Hares: Floater and Scratchit
On, on!