Monday, October 31, 2016

Fiends and friends

Once again Samford hashers showed off their horrible true selves at our 2016 Halloween meet. Here are some of the horrors which would have terrified any unsuspecting strangers who ventured into Boombana on Sunday - luckily none did....

A wicca of witches (yes, I know it should be coven)

A rather savage looking pumpkin hound:

A Green Man (lots of pubs named after him):

A rattle of skeletons:

Assorted ghoulies, gheesties, vampires, zombies, devils and victims of possession:

And - perhaps most terrifying of all - Rod Stewart, complete with blonde plaything:

The group - minus the hares - where were they? (thanks to Topless for the photography - and click on the pic to expand):

Some scrumptious chili (and jokes about rings of fire) was followed by a ring around a real fire in the firepit - very pleasant. Floater's birthday was the occasion for a couple of chocolate cakes - also very pleasant.

Thanks to our scary hares! And thanks also to those who provided cake, jokes and help in extricating cars from the rather inadequate carpark!

Our WA travelers have been continuing their journey to the Stirling Ranges National Park, visiting Porongurup NP on the way. They've climbed Mt Trio (856m) and Bluff Knoll (1073m). They were very impressed with Tozer's Bush Camp near Bremer Bay, and (surprise, surprise) they have done a bit more botanizing! Here are a few of their pictures - you'll find more here.

Balancing Rock - Porongurup NP

Mt Trio

WA Grass Tree

Mantis orchid

Track to Bluff Knoll:

View from Bluff Knoll:

Next run details
When: Sunday 6th November, 5 pm
Where: Budgie and Miss Behavin's home among the gumtrees
Hares: Budgie and Miss Behavin'. Note: this is their virgin run!!!

(If you need directions to this run, please email us)

On, on!

Monday, October 24, 2016

The first of the summertime runs

Our first summertime run attracted a crowd of some 35 hashers - including B Flat and Malpractice, who'd come all the way from the UK for the event. The latter was prevailed upon to deliver his song about the "little doggies" and did so to much acclaim. We also sang "Happy Birthday" to Hugandkiss, and helped her to finish her pretty scrumptious birthday cake. Many thanks to our hares - it was lucky they'd got in some extra supplies!

Escargot will be hosting our Halloween event next week, with the assistance of Superhacker and Co. You'll find reminders of some previous events here, here, here, here and here. As we always say, this is one occasion when you really can just come as you really are....

Our WA travelers have been exploring the Albany area - visiting (inter alia) Mt. Clarence, the Southern Peninsula, Whaleworld and the National ANZAC Centre. A few photos follow - you'll find more here.

Natural bridge:

Cave Point lighthouse:

Old whaling ship:

Banksia coccinea:

Next run details
When: Sunday 30th October, 5 pm
Where: Boombana picnic area, Mt Nebo (between Mt. Nebo and Jolly's lookout) A map!
Hares: Escargot and assistants

On, on!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Raven Reserve Run and Summertime Starts

Hardcore led the runners on a tour of the bushland she knows so well, while the walkers made their own ways around the tracks and surrounds. Pantomimers had to scramble to get there on time after a rehearsal (and some didn't make it till well after 4) and Le W*nk got back from Hamilton Island just before the eskys were cracked open and food was on the table.

Given the fact that many found it hard to make it on time (and that there's a dress rehearsal next week) we made a snap decision to move to a 5pm start time from next week, rather than waiting till the end of the month. So please take note - our next run will be at 5 pm, not 4. Summer has begun!

Some upcoming dates for your diaries:

October 29th and November 5th - 2016 Samford pantomime, featuring a number of hashers
October 30th - 2016 Halloween Run (Hare: Escargot)
December 2nd - Hash Christmas Party (Venue: Mile High and Hugandkiss')
December 12th - Red Dress Run

Our WA travelers have been exploring some Big Trees in the Pemberton - Walpole area as well as making their way to the top of Mt Frankland. Here are some of their pictures. You'll find more here.

The Gloucester Tree:

The Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree

Diamond Tree

Goblin Swamp:

Beedulup Falls

Tree top walk

Great Tingle tree:

Mt. Frankland:

Next run details
When: Sunday 23rd October, 5 pm. Note again - 5 pm!
Where: Jamesbondage and Redbreast's Bunya hideaway
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage

On, on!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hills District hills

Where did the name "The Hills District" come from? I just can't think....Floater set us the sort of dead flat course you'd expect in this part of the world, and then served up a feast from her own prizewinning garden. Where was Scratchit? Enjoying himself at the Manly Yacht Club - and earning a bit of pocket money behind the bar. Many thanks to our hare!

A bunch of Hash Femmes got "drunk and creative" (Superhacker's words) in celebration of her birthday this last week.  van Gogh, stand back - what talent was released at "Cork and Chroma" (a.k.a "Paint and P*ss")!

A number of us are rehearsing for the 2016 Samford pantomime "Babes in the Woods!" - coming off very soon....

Meanwhile our WA travelers have been exploring the delights (liquid and otherwise) of the Margaret River area. It goes without saying that they have visited the odd brewhouse and winery, but they have also continued their search for orchids, and managed to photograph the odd blue wren. According to Strine, at Cape Leewin (the most southwesterly tip of the country) "You...look out to Antartica and some of our weather lately has felt like it was coming from there." Another highlight was a visit to the artist Patricia Negus in her "art chapel."

Here are some selected pictures. You'll find more here.

Canal Rocks:

Cape Leewin lighthouse:

View to Antarctica:

Patricia Negus in her art chapel (note Eweshggr's halo):

Lake Cave (with UFO):

Blue (and brown) wrens:

No need for a caption:

Cape Naturaliste spider orchid:

Next run details
When: Sunday 16th October, 4 pm
Where: Downfall Creek Bushland Centre, Rode Road. A map!
Hares: Another M. Promptu run, with catering by Potluck (please bring something to share.) We are all so incredibly busy at the moment!

On, on!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Home ground

No excuses for anyone who got lost this week, as M. Promptu took us on the familiar Samford circuit from John Scott Park. Toga joined the canine contingent for the first time in quite a while - well done, old fella! Among the 2 legged runners we welcomed Tinkerbell and Hook for the second time in a couple of weeks. Potluck as usual provided a varied and extremely ample feast.

Members of our Canberra chapter were in town this week, and Wizzbanger, Hot to Trot, Upfront and Slammit joined us for the mid-week run/walk on Wednesday. It was really good to catch up, and surprising to reflect that it's over 4 years since they packed their trailer and headed off for that Sodom and Gomorrah of the south, our national capital.

Hash Femmes enjoyed a girls' evening out on Saturday, first at the Powerhouse (where Kate Ceberano was on the menu) and then at Escobar (where Spatchcock was.) And, yes, Hugandkiss and Superhacker are there somewhere....

Our WA travelers have followed their alcoholic noses to the Margaret River region, but this week we're featuring a few of their shots from Fremantle (Maritime Museum), Rottnest Island (quokkas) and Perth (Kings Park, Perth Mint, and more wildflowers). There are lots more great photos here.

WA Maritime Museum (HMAS Ovens):

Rottnest Island:

Gold ingot at the Perth Mint

 Pink fairy orchids:

Perth from Kings Park:

Next run details
When: Sunday 9th October
Where: Arana Hills Library, Cobbitty Crescent, Arana Hills. A map!
Hares: Floater and Scratchit

On, on!