Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A stroll along the prom, prom, prom

3 visitors joined us for a seaside saunter at Sandgate this Sunday. The 2 Berliners had to leave immediately after the run (we hope to see them again), but Taiwanese visitor LFC joined us in a game of Find the Food.

It was a lovely afternoon at the beach but we resisted Le W*nk's invitation to fully explore the false trail that led out to Moreton Island. Instead we joined the crowds of Sunday trippers on a scenic foreshore route that took us south around the headland. Back home again we queued for a very traditional Hash meal of snags and very healthy raw onions:

Le W*nk: "Raw onions? What's wrong with that? Tony would love them!"

Starting them young: 2 two-year olds joined us for this week's walk.

Many thanks to our hare Le W*nk for a very pleasant afternoon!

Remember our 25th birthday run - coming up on the 14th of February! Last week we reprinted the run report from the Samford Hash Haus Harriers inaugural run 25 years ago. Here is the report on run number 2 - dating from the 21st February 1991. Once again, the names are different (and who was Viv Richards?) but otherwise things sound pretty familiar....
In the gathering gloom a small but hardy pack gathered under the shelter of the CWA to await the words 'Short run, No hills, No falsies.'
It was then ON ON towards the village with the pack checking in all directions except the correct one. Eventually the first sign was spotted by the hare (who else?) and it was off down Main Street towards the garage.
This week the pack was in two groups, them that runs and them that don't. Them that does consisted of "Roddy", "Fu", "Uriah", Steve "Superbrat" Tennant, Phil "Stud" Chamberlain, Leon "Arctic" Stepowki and new boy John Croft. Them that don't were "Keg Guard", Leanne Tennant, and Janet "Rattletrap" Tennant. The obvious disparity between the two groups led to many cries of 'Come back Raeleen' especially from those backmarkers who only had the arse ends of the FRBs to follow.
Back on the run the trail led up Samford Road towards Brisbane before a turn into the scout park. True to form the considerate hare had found a most convenient hold check but the pack was not yet in need of relief.
It was then ON ON across the green sward towards the inevitable creek crossing. ('Well, I didn't say No Water' - "Fu"). Across the creek the pack was confronted by something akin to the north wall of the Eiger only steeper and more slippery. Those in the know followed the hare on a traverse to an easier climb leaving "Roddy", "Stud" and "Uriah" to perform Sherpa Tsensing impersonations.
The trail wound in across the rolling acres of Baden Powell Park with the pack spreading themselves like fielders when Viv Richards is batting.
The hare finally called the pack together for a gentle canter through virgin rain forest and along the Samford Creek before emerging at the second Hold Check behind the Samford Scout hut. From here it was one of the shortest ON HOMEs in HHH history with the apres site being at the most 300 metres away.
A much better apres this week despite the rain. Even a visit to the Samford Oasis was required to stock up on supplies. Maybe our new boy is a bit of a PA on the quiet which would account for a lesser number of people drinking more than at run 1. Stay tuned for further details.
Now back to 2016...we're at Keperra next week for the first time in a while. There aren't any hills there, are there?

Next run details
When: Sunday 17th January, 5 pm
Where: Dash Street, Keperra. A map!
Hare: Escargot

On, on!