As usual, Potluck did an excellent job of catering, providing a varied and tasty spread - from sushi and BBQ chicken wings to apple and berry crumble. And of course there were a couple of varieties of quiche for the Unreal men amongst us.
We welcomed Escargot back from the UK. She had to call in an exorcist when she got home - the power had been off for much of the time and the contents of the freezer had taken over the house.
We also welcomed Corkscrewed - a visitor from Adelaide:
And two of our newer members received their Hash names - Loan Ranger and Piston Broke. They're owner-building a house in Samford, and have clearly got the priorities right: so far, the pool is finished, but they haven't yet got the roof on....
Coming up over the next few weeks:
- a Tanabata (Star festival) run on 7th July
- a Bastille Day run on 14th July
- a Christmas in July event on Saturday 27th July
Next run details
When: Sunday 30th June, 4 pm
Hares: Payback and Cash Converta
On, on!