There were no founding members present, but we did have some very early members - people who have been hashing with Samford Hash since the early 90s of last century:

And we also had representatives of the up-and-coming generation - one of whom began hashing when he was still in nappies. (Some of us are about to start wearing them again....)

The "On, On" themed cake was flavoured with toe jam and tinea:

We invited a visitor from the UK - Diarrhoea - to cut it on our behalf:

And we hoped his Hash name wasn't catching. Incidentally, this was his 516th hash run (I think). Good on him for keeping count - most of the members of Samford Hash have difficulty remembering what day of the week it is....
Here are a few more shots from the occasion. Firstly, the group who made it to the on, on (and didn't let little matters like weddings, and picking up the children get in the way). Thanks to Topless for the photography.

A bunch of wets:

A clutch of Poms:

Some assorted old (OK, and young) f*rts:

On, on...to the next 21 years!
Next run details
When: Sunday 19th February, 5 pm
Where: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock's Bunya humpy
Hares: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock
(If you need directions to this run please email or call us)
On, on!