A last minute change of plan saw us exploring the country around Banyo and Nudgee Beach on this occasion. Many thanks to the extended Shggr family for their hospitality - we deeply appreciated spending time with Ewe- and Y-Shggr. Thanks also to Eweshggr for a great trail that took in many points of cultural, historical and environmental interest around the area. It was a hash run we will never forget.
Here's a view of most of the group that gathered for the run. Missing from this shot are Charcoal and latecomers Payback, Cash Converta and Hardcore:

A number of us had seen out the old year in style. Here we are having just sung Auld Lang Syne and about to have a wee deoch and dorris (or two)....

A new experience for many was the taste of that "great chieftain of the pudding race" (quote from Burns) - the haggis:

Jamesbondage and Redbreast collaborated in stabbing it with the dirk as tradition requires:

Leave Pass carried out some traditional rituals involving coal, a black bun and salt. And Payback showed off his Scottish roots as he brandished a fearsome antler-tipped weapon: Hoots, mon!

Finally - what Scottish New Year's Eve could be complete without a rendition of the Tay Bridge Disaster by the great McGonagall? You'll find more of his disaster (and disastrous) poetry here.
Next run details
When: Sunday 8th January, 5 pm
Where: Bullocky's Rest, Lake Samsonvale (this time for sure)
Hares: M. Promptu will set the run. Potluck will cater once again - please bring something to share.
On, on!