He displayed his raw power in a more useful way later on:

Here are some more savage beasts at the hares' place. (I think some of their companions may have ended up in the meal, but I'm not sure. It tasted good anyway.)

Someone thought that Leave Pass looked rather scrumptious too:

Tried crossing Main Street lately? Roll on, the Samford Bypass, I say! (But then, I don't live on the route...) The hares allowed us to preview bits of that route - through the heart of the Royal Estates and past the graveyard and Community Hall. A very interesting and pleasant run/walk!
Next week we are calling once more on witches and warlocks, werewolves and wierdos of all sorts to join us for our annual Halloween event! Leave off your makeup and come as your scary Real Self!
Next run details
When: Sunday 30th October, 4 pm
Where: Gregory Park, Baroona Road, Paddington. A map!
Hares: Vegemite and Noname
On, on!