Monday, October 31, 2011

Horrific Halloween Hash!

The inner west of Brisbane was the setting for this year's gruesome gathering of ghouls and gheesties, demons and devotees of the black arts (there was also a stray wingless angel, who'd clearly lost her way.) Thanks to Topless for the photography:

Our hares had prepared a couple of fact????sheets for the route, including some surprising little-known information. Were you aware that
- Lang Park is situated over the North Brisbane Burial Grounds, and that "they didn't remove the bodies before fencing off the park" so "some claim to have witnessed 13 brain-dead zombies appearing each autumn in blue jerseys at the site. Local Queenslanders have teamed up wearing maroon jerseys to beat these creatures across the border into New South Wales..."?
- the Hale Street bridge link was named in honour of the Brisbane Indie band "The Go-betweens" ("This is the most frightening thing you will hear along this run...")?

If the hares had planned to provide appropriately horrible food, they failed. The pumpkin soup was among the best we'd ever tasted...and the corned beef hash was wolfed down by everyone, not just the werewolves....The black bread looked very appetising:

...and clearly tasted just like it looked:

Zombie Culture:

Recognise her from The Exorcist? Is that projectile vomit down your front, or are you just pleased to see me?

Our scary hares:

Miss Demeanour getting passionate with an old friend (there was some joke about "bones", but I didn't get it....)

And another old fellow who was wandering by:

One of our hares received his Hash name, with the usual dignified ceremony. Welcome to Evacuate! We hope he'll be setting many more runs in future....Of course, his great concern for safety was evident in the sign he'd had made for the BBQ we used (I wonder if that is why it's called a "Hot plate"?):

A couple of date claimers:
- Hash Christmas will be on Saturday 26th November, at Haughty and Culture's
- This year's Red Dress Run will be on Monday 12th December, starting from the Fox Hotel in South Brisbane.

And a final really important point: we'll be moving to a 5 pm summertime start time from next week!

Next run details
When: Sunday 6th November, 5 pm - repeat 5 pm!
Where: John Scott Park, the village
Hare: M. Promptu, with catering by Potluck - please bring something to share!

On, on!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beasts and bypasses

Lots of wildlife this week....Culture picked up a tick and took it home as a pet. Slammit rescued a turtle from the side of the trail and released it in a nearby dam. And a powerful wild beast of our acquaintance won a Silver medal for weightlifting at the Masters' Games:

He displayed his raw power in a more useful way later on:

Here are some more savage beasts at the hares' place. (I think some of their companions may have ended up in the meal, but I'm not sure. It tasted good anyway.)

Someone thought that Leave Pass looked rather scrumptious too:

Tried crossing Main Street lately? Roll on, the Samford Bypass, I say! (But then, I don't live on the route...) The hares allowed us to preview bits of that route - through the heart of the Royal Estates and past the graveyard and Community Hall. A very interesting and pleasant run/walk!

Next week we are calling once more on witches and warlocks, werewolves and wierdos of all sorts to join us for our annual Halloween event! Leave off your makeup and come as your scary Real Self!

Next run details
When: Sunday 30th October, 4 pm
Where: Gregory Park, Baroona Road, Paddington. A map!
Hares: Vegemite and Noname

On, on!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Down by the riverside

We're pretty familiar with the bits of the South Pine that flow through Samford and Bunya. But this Sunday our hares introduced us to some of the very scenic lower reaches through the Bald Hills area. It was good snake country and good snake weather - Hot to trot trotted over a couple of them. One, she thought, might have been a taipan, but as she didn't roll it over to count its ventral scales we will never know....

Cash Converta lived up to her usual high standard in the nosh department, and our younger members made full use of the Pine Rivers Park play equipment....The circle was almost drowned out by the noise of the lorikeets coming home to roost above our heads. Thanks, hares - a great venue, run and meal!

Next week is a pretty significant and rather sad occasion - it will probably be the last Samford run hosted by Wizbanger, Hot to trot and Co - at least for a while. Soon they will be upping sticks and moving to that Sodom and Gomorrah of the South - Canberra. Let's hope it's not for too long....

And the week after that will be our 2011 Halloween event. Hasn't the year flown by? Check the archives for last year's pics - and click here for this year's promo!

One of our Halloween hares is still a no-name, and we'll rectify this in a fortnight. In the meantme, here is some evidence that he can be pretty darn scary when he dresses up:

Next run details
When: Sunday 23rd October, 4 pm
Where: Wizbanger and Hot to trot's trattoria in the village
Hares: Wizbanger and Hot to trot

On, on!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"You think you know Brisbane..."

mused Shockjock, midway through last Sunday's run. He was not the only runner to be astounded by discovering byways, alleys, stairways, hidden gullies and houses built on seemingly impossible sites through the suburbs of West End, Hill End and Dutton Park.

The walkers too enjoyed exploring new territory, visiting parts of the UQ campus that very few venture into and that Charcoal had no memory of...although by all accounts they were probably already old when he was an undergraduate.

And we all enjoyed at least one CityCat ride as part of the circuit - an innovation that worked really well. The trip reminded Urass of his navy days and the unspeakable activities he used to get up took up his invitation to lean over the rail and watch the wake.

Here's a shot of the area taken a year or two before Charcoal was a student....

Green curry and ice cream cake (wow!) were demolished by the hordes. Many thanks to Superhacker! We certainly enjoyed her birthday - hope she did too!

A little birthday story:

A blonde rings up about a job.

"I'll just take a few details," says the interviewer. "Now, what's your name?"

To his surprise, the blonde begins singing "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

"What are you doing?" asks the interviewer.

"Wait, wait! ...Happy birthday, dear Mandy - yes, that's it! My name's Mandy!"

Next run details
When: Sunday 16th October, 4 pm
Where: Pine Rivers Park...a map!
Hares: Payback and Cash Converta


Monday, October 3, 2011


A strong southwesterly was a great help as we headed towards Redcliffe on the longest bridge in Australia - and a real pain as we struggled south again from the wind-swept and deserted fishing platform. The only fish to be seen were of the blue blubber jelly variety, and there were hordes of these, cleverly disguising themselves as discarded plastic bags....

The run/walk then took us south along the foreshore towards Sandgate, between some very impressive real estate and a rather chilly sea. Here's a map of the walk, courtesy of Superhacker's iPhone:

Shockjock was awarded a down, down for marking the run in invisible chalk - while Miss Demeanour made up for his sins with a very tasty Moroccan meal. The hares rescued very few leftovers....Thanks to them all (and a special mention for Fleabite, who provided some delish home-made marshmallows)!

There was more blowing when Urass produced his private breathalyser, and we all had a go. According to this highly reliable instrument we were all perfectly legal by the time we drove off - "Don't bother, offisher- I've tested myshelf and I'm fine...."

Another University Challenge next Sunday. Your first daunting task is to remember to bring your GoCard so you can board the fairy (sorry, ferry)....

Next run details
When: Sunday October 9th, 4 pm
Where: UQ CityCat ferry terminal (near the UQ Tennis Centre, but on the river - surprise, surprise). Bring your GoCard (but there will also be a non-ferry trail for dogs and latecomers....)
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

On, on!