Our hares had prepared a couple of fact????sheets for the route, including some surprising little-known information. Were you aware that
- Lang Park is situated over the North Brisbane Burial Grounds, and that "they didn't remove the bodies before fencing off the park" so "some claim to have witnessed 13 brain-dead zombies appearing each autumn in blue jerseys at the site. Local Queenslanders have teamed up wearing maroon jerseys to beat these creatures across the border into New South Wales..."?
- the Hale Street bridge link was named in honour of the Brisbane Indie band "The Go-betweens" ("This is the most frightening thing you will hear along this run...")?
If the hares had planned to provide appropriately horrible food, they failed. The pumpkin soup was among the best we'd ever tasted...and the corned beef hash was wolfed down by everyone, not just the werewolves....The black bread looked very appetising:

...and clearly tasted just like it looked:

Zombie Culture:

Recognise her from The Exorcist? Is that projectile vomit down your front, or are you just pleased to see me?

Our scary hares:

Miss Demeanour getting passionate with an old friend (there was some joke about "bones", but I didn't get it....)

And another old fellow who was wandering by:

One of our hares received his Hash name, with the usual dignified ceremony. Welcome to Evacuate! We hope he'll be setting many more runs in future....Of course, his great concern for safety was evident in the sign he'd had made for the BBQ we used (I wonder if that is why it's called a "Hot plate"?):

A couple of date claimers:
- Hash Christmas will be on Saturday 26th November, at Haughty and Culture's
- This year's Red Dress Run will be on Monday 12th December, starting from the Fox Hotel in South Brisbane.
And a final really important point: we'll be moving to a 5 pm summertime start time from next week!
Next run details
When: Sunday 6th November, 5 pm - repeat 5 pm!
Where: John Scott Park, the village
Hare: M. Promptu, with catering by Potluck - please bring something to share!
On, on!