A mountainous run/walk was followed by mountains of grub and floods of German beer. There was bratwurst, Bavarian potato salad, saurkraut, red cabbage, soft pretzels, cheesecake, Black Forest dessert and more!
A challenging run, good fun, and good company - we'll certainly have to consider making this yet another annual event! Thanks once again to Charcoal and Strine....Oh, and Charcoal did look good in his lederhosen!
Here are some shots, courtesy of Payback:

And - this week only - a special feature on our Hash Hounds:

Next run details
When: Suncay 2md Oktober, 4 pm
Where: Decker Park, Twentyfifth Avenue, Brighton - just south of the Hornibrook Bridge. Here's a map....
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour
On, on!