Our hares provided a scenic route along the river and through some new developments, and topped it off with a stunning view of the city as sunset fell. We were safe on Hardcore's deck by the time the rain followed the sunset's example.

For the third time in the last few weeks, our trail crossed that of another hash...with luck the rain will clean the streets of old chalk marks...we tend to get confused easily enough anyway!
And one of the great things about having 3 hares is that you can end up with 3 meals. Here are a couple of the chefs providing the finishing touches:

This area was another one of Shockjock's old stamping grounds. His father owned a commercial laundry beside the river at the time of the great Brisbane floods, and he pointed out where he had paddled round the premises in a big laundry tub....
Judging beer at the Samford Show has obviously given him a taste for being critical, and he found plenty to be critical about in various electrical installations throughout the suburb. Even Hardcore's back deck gave him something to get excited about:

On next week's run we'll be showing off our taut and tanned torsos at the seaside. Topless will be setting the run from Margate...and here is an artist's impression of some typical Samford hashers:

And looking well ahead...we have a few special events coming up. Charcoal and Strine are planning an Oktoberfest run for September (when else?), and our usual Halloween event will follow in October. February will see Samford Hash turning 21 (wow!), and preparations have already begun for this major festivity.
Next run details
When: Sunday 28th August, 4 pm
Where: Topless's Margate mansion
Hare: Topless
(If you need directions to this run, please email us)
On, on!