Here's a shot of the group that gathered under the grape vines after a typical Charcoal jaunt around Clear Mountain (thanks to Topless for the photography):

As a veteran member Charcoal has always been a tower of strength to the Hash, and some members have grown used to leaning on him for support:

Two old friends (and relatives, of course) - Possum and Charcoal:

The Hares provided a great meal, followed by The Cake:

...which was rapidly demolished:

And then the party really started to get going...

Thanks to the hares - and we wish Charcoal many, many more Samford Hash runs!
This weekend many of us will be freezing our tootsies, our proboscises and various other bits of anatomy up in the Jimna State Forest. Word is that we'll be the only group in the campground - surprise, surprise! I'm sure however that some of the temperance beverages we'll be taking along will help to warm our cockles. Any stayathomes who are feeling lost and lonely on Sunday afternoon are invited to gather at John Scott Park for an M. Promptu outing followed by a visit to the pub.
Next run details
When: Sunday 5th June - when we get up...(could be a heavy night)
Where: from Peach Trees campsite, Jimna State Forest
Hares: Jamesbondage and Redbreast (if they're capable)
For stayathomes - an impromptu village meet at 4 pm
On, on!