We had a lazy hour or so after this beside the water while waiting for the rest of the crew to join us. Haughty once more failed to get it up (his kite, that is) and Urass made himself useful by wagging his tail and retrieving the frisbee that kept going in the water - when it wasn't hitting passers-by on the head

The run/walk took us along the track towards Scarborough. It was a pleasant seaside stroll and the breeze was very welcome...as was the beer at the on, on! Our hares for next Sunday have promised that the weather will be cooler.
Friday evening will see many of us heading to the Brisbane Powerhouse for a show all about one of our own! We're hoping to learn a lot more about our Buttle from his daughter - and perhaps we can tell her a thing or two as well....
Next run details
When: Sunday 6th March, 5 pm
Where: Junction of McLean Road South and Sutton Court, Camp Mountain. A map!
Hares: Hot to Trot and Wizbanger (and Co.)
On, on!