Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mad as a hasher!

Q: Who chooses to go running or walking through Indooroopilly and Long Pocket when it's 35 degrees?
A: Members of Samford Hash...mad as hashers!

Q: Who takes a cat on walk through Indooroopilly and Long Pocket?
A: Members of Sanford Hash...mad as hashers!

Maddest of all were our hares Superhacker and Hopalong, who set the run earlier in the day, when it was even hotter....

That said, they certainly took us on an interesting route - through developments we'd never visited before, and along the river behind the Long Pocket labs - all new ground to us Samford bumpkins.

At the on, on some members showed off their skills at the piano. Others showed considerable culinary skills as they assembled their DIY rice paper wraps:

And Shockjock showed off his skills as a lingerie-maker as he constructed some edible rice-paper panties:

Two little jokes now in honour of our resident magicians and circus performers:

A couple are finding out about one another on their first date.
"What does your father do for a living?"
"He's a magician. He cuts people in two."
"And do you have any brothers and sisters?"
"Yes - one half-brother and one half-sister...."

Q. What do you do when you're attacked by a bunch of circus performers?
A. Go for the juggler!

Next week we are going to be lowering the tone of Deception Bay. Some will be meeting for lunch and jazz at Mermaid's Cafe...and the run will be from nearby.

Next run details
When: Sunday 27th February, 5 pm
Where: Corner Bayview Terrace and Captain Cook Parade, Deception Bay. A map!
Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An evening of elegance...

Samford Hash celebrated its 20th birthday this weekend with a classy cocktail soiree ("A what?" "French for pissup, sport." "Oh."). We proved that we can really scrub up - even the scrubbers:

A few regulars were very soiree to miss out, including Leave Pass (in Japan), Topless (in Germany) and Miss Demeanour and kids (in Disposed). But here are some snaps of some snappy dressers...

Three elegant ladies (Warnie, if you're reading this and want their contacts, just email us):

One elegant lady:

And another:

Two elegant oldtimers:

But who let these two in?

And would you really want to run with this man?

Surprise, surprise! Hardcore does not always wear runners!

And here are some elegant blokes (spot the odd man out):

The cocktail competition was the main event, and there were some pretty stunning contenders for the top rankings:

Eweshagger's tasty concoction - with its tasteless name - definitely came tops for looks:

But in the end, he and Shockjock shared the honours:

One of the losers took to sucking his thumb:

And Hardcore had to comfort another:

Payback easily won the bra-removal competition:

But the Deportment competition was very hard to judge:

All in all - a great night - plenty to drink - and plenty to celebrate. Thanks to all for their contributions....and you'll be relieved to know that Shockjock did not actually expire of thirst:

Jamesbondage and Redbreast followed this classy event up with a classy run through Stafford and Enoggera. It proved an intelligence test for the runners - which they passed with flying colours! The walk/run took in a section of Kedron Brook that we have never explored before...eventually, I guess, we will have traversed its full length. Leftovers supplemented a great casserole - those who missed out really did miss out!

Runs for the next couple of weeks are also out of the valley.

Next run details
When: Sunday 20th February, 5 pm
Where: Jack Speare Park, Indooroopilly. Here's a map.
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

On, on!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nice if you're with a lady

Do you remember this weather report from Vietnam?

This last Sunday's run certainly brought it to mind - it was hot and wet....All the runners stopped off once for a swim in Cedar Creek, Shockjock stopped off twice, and Darcy did so at least six times. Well done to the hares for setting the run in such conditions, and for not shortcutting on the penultimate hill - as someone who should have known better did....

The hares also provided some really good practice at 7 point turns, hillstarts, reversing and clutch control as an incredible snarl of vehicles was untangled at the top of Urass's drive.

We haven't had any parrot jokes for a while, so here goes:

A customer in a pet shop is staring at four parrots. One is priced at $500, another at $1000, a third at $2500, and the fourth at $30000. They all look identical to him.

"Why are they different prices?" he asks the pet shop owner.

"Well," says the shopkeeper, "the first one can speak both English and German, and can translate for you. The second one speaks English and German, and can also type pretty well. The third one speaks English and German, can produce business letters and reports, and is also pretty good at spreadsheets and MYOB. So that's why they're different prices."

"Well, that's pretty impressive!" says the customer. "But what about the fourth one? The $30000 one? What can that do?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know!?"

"Well, the truth is," says the shopkeeper, taking the customer aside, "I've never actually seen it do anything - apart from sit there and occasionally look at what the others are doing. But the other parrots all call it 'The Manager'"

Two big events this weekend:

Firstly, Samford Hash's 20th birthday bash! This has been in planning for a while, and I'm sure all competitors for the cocktail challenge have been practicing like mad. Think of all those brain cells that are being sacrificed right now as they try to perfect their mixtures! It should be a great night.

Secondly, a Big Smoke run on Sunday - courtesy of Jamesbondage and Redbreast. They have a reputation for some pretty sneaky checks and false trails, and the area they've chosen gives them plenty of opportunities....

Next run details
When: Sunday 13th February, 5 pm
Where: Meet at Roy Harvey Park, Stafford - corner Byth and Shand Street. Here's a map!
Hares: Jamesbondage and Redbreast

On, on!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Both bush and burbs...

Surprise, surprise! This week's run/walk from Ironbark Gully kicked off with a hillclimb! Congratulations especially to Jamesbondage who drove a 2-foot-drive pushchair to the top of the hill, negotiating eroded gullies on the way. We then descended through Ferny Hills. It was interesting to explore some little-known back passages (as the b said to the a).

2010 was a year of offshore runs and walks for members of Samford Hash, most notably in Borneo and Nepal. A couple of members finished it off by showing the flag in the Natal Drakensberg over Christmas. Cloud unfortunately obscured the peaks for much of the time.

And if anyone is considering medical tourism, then you may be interested in what these practicioners are offering in Cape Town.

Next week we'll be braving the hillbilly wild country of upper Cedar Creek. Don't forget your togs (unless you want to skinny-dip) and your floaties. The swimming is great.

Next run details
When: Sunday 6th February 5 pm
Where: Urass's mansion on Cedar Creek (note - this is a changed venue - we will not be meeting at Andy Williams Park as originally posted)
Hares: Urass, Bigtop and Hardcore

On, on!