It's hard to find a hill amongst the extensive plains surrounding Ironbark Gully, but the hares did manage to locate an incline or two. Winter is on its way, and the fire provided by Charcoal and Strine was very welcome:

Overheard on Sunday...
Jamesbondage (to Chinwag): "I'm injured! Do you think Redbreast should carry me?"
Redbreast: "I've been carrying you for over 40 years, dear...."
Our 1000th run is coming up on the 13th June. Here's the Hare Line up till then:
Run 989 - 28th March - Toss O'Coin and Potluck
Run 990 - 4th April (Easter) - Charcoal and Strine - EASTER EGG RUN
Run 991 - 11th April - Stanthorpe weekend - assorted Girraween runs and walks
Run 992 - 18th April - Wizzbanger and Hot to Trot
Run 993 - 25th April (Anzac Day) - The Shggrs
Run 994 - 2nd May - Payback and Cash Converta
Run 995 - 9th May (Mothers' Day) - Leave Pass
Run 996 - 16th May - currently vacant - volunteers?
Run 997 - 23rd May - Jamesbondage and Redbreast
Run 998 - 30th May - Wizzbanger and Hot to Trot
Run 999 - 6th June - currently vacant
Run 1000 - 13th June - Charcoal and Strine
Next run details
When: Sunday 28th March, 4 pm
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt O'Reilly Road
Hares: Toss O'Coin will set the run. Potluck will provide the meal - please bring something to share....
On, on!