"Where's me beer, woman?"

The way up: "Are we there yet?"

Summit shot

View from the top

Christmas dinner and wine tasting

Bright sparks

(Dish) scrubbers

Happy campers

And this is where Haughty was running at the time (Lynn Peak, British Columbia):

There have been some record numbers for the Tuesday run recently - 11 last week; 10 this one. Everyone is welcome - we run from John Scott Park at 5:30 every Tuesday and catch our breath afterwards at the public bar.
We have a Brazilian (hareless) run coming up this Sunday; Toss O'Coin will do the honours.
Next run details
When: Sunday 16th August, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, the village
Hare: Toss O'Coin will set the run; the village chippy will provide the meal.
On, on!