Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Another good turnout on Sunday for a picturesque meander around Warner Lakes. The flat trail was appreciated by Floater and Kermit who are gradually getting back into exercising. Although, Kermit did run out of steam and was rescued by Culture. This recalls an old navy saying, "never leave your mates behind".

Make an Offer and Banger provided a good old Aussie barbie which went down very well with the ravenous hashers.

And here are some photos taken by Cashconverta and Snappy.

                                          Last but not least. Here is a photo from Haughty
                                          showing the dangers of running in South Africa. 
                                          The manhole cover is probably gone by now.

Next run/walk details
When:  Sunday 2 March, 5 pm
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt O'Reilly Road, Samford Valley. Here's a map
Hares:  Potluck. Please bring some food to share and don't forget your chairs.

On, on

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Valley romp

Sunday's trail around Samford Valley included quiet backstreets, leafy bushland, grassy paddocks and lots of water hazards. There were wet shoes galore.

Big Donk provided a delightful chicken curry with just the right amount of zing to it. While we tucked into fruit salad and ice cream we witnessed a cauldron of bats heading for their feeding grounds.

Did you know that Big Donk has trained his dogs (Ruby and Barry) to pick fruit? This is amazing and may solve the rural labour shortage. They work all day for minimal pay. 

Here are some photos courtesy of Saucy Sous and Snappy:

Next run/walk details
When:  Sunday 23h February, 5 pm
Where: Dragonfly Park, Pallas Parade, Warner Lakes Here's a map
Hares:  Make an Offer and Banger

On, on!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Village people

We were back on our home ground in the middle of the village this last Sunday. It was good to welcome back Streaky, who had made a discovery: the middle of summer is not the best time of year for visiting North Queensland. And we also welcomed back Kermit with her knee scooter - she's definitely in recovery, and was able to do a bit of a walk/scoot from the Farmers' Hall.  

The runners headed out on a circuit they haven't done for a while, and were able to report that the valley macaws in their breeding aviaries were thriving and in fine voice. M. Promptu took the walkers in at least a couple of directions, some doing the Samford circuit and others taking in a less familiar route.

Then it was back in the centre of the village for a typical Potluck banquet - heaps of varied and delicious fare! Thanks to all for their contributions! And special thanks of course to our Beermeisters Idle Vice and Upstanding, and our winos Payback and Cash Converta!

Here are some shots from the occasion, courtesy of Saucy Sous and Snappy:



Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 16th February, 5 pm
Where: Big Donk's valley hideaway
Hare: Big Donk

(If you need directions to this meet, please email us. And please bring chairs.)

On, on!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Another dam(p) hash....

The showers the BOM had been predicting turned up during the walk and run and moistened us a bit. Here's Cash Converta's shot of the dam wall - you can just see it through the falling water:

Luckily, by the time we got back to the park the shower was pretty well over, although some thought that wearing a prophylactic cover was wise. Le W*nk requested no condom jokes, so I won't make any:

We took on the usual circuit, mostly along the lake shore, noting that there had been some welcome weed control since the last time we were there. There were pelicans and ducks on the lake, but other wildlife seemed sensibly to be keeping dry. 

 Here are some more images from the event, courtesy of Cash Converta and Saucy Sous: 








Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, the UK chapter of Samford Hash has been celebrating Australia Day. Superhacker writes:

"I went to a very civilised Australia Day lunch in Cambridge (as did Malpractice and BFlat) with the Britain Australia Society (BritOz). The mayor of Cambridge always comes along. This year they have their first Mayor from the Indian Subcontinent (they have broken such glass ceilings before with the first transgender mayor in 2007)  Anyway tradition dictates that the mayor addresses BritOz concerning relations between the university town, and the commonwealth, and their general plans for inclusivity etc. (aka get those damned colonials on side).  The club is mostly made up  of Australians who married Cambridge academics, Brits who did a student exchange in Australia or vice versa, or who have kids who have emigrated. Cllr Baiju Thittala, had obviously done his homework because he was on to the Invasion day narrative and likened it to Indians celebrating the arrival of "Clive of India". There was a mixed reception. I mean, Britoz, like the hash, just want to celebrate all things Australian. In particular they like to relive their youth, and make plans to travel there. For the record. I personally think the actual day should be moved.

For ANZAC day we are all bussing up to Donnington to visit the grave of Matthew Flinders. It has been interesting for me to meet these Australophiles!"

She also writes that "Hopalong is flat sharing in London and I have moved into her pad in St Ives - basically the family annexe also owned by Malpractice and BFlat (all welcome to visit)."

We may see Superhacker again in October. That would be nice.

Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 9th February, 5 pm
Where: Back of the Farmers' Hall, Main Street, Samford
Hares: M. Promptu will set the trail. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!