Monday, March 27, 2023

Ch- ch- ch- ch- changes

Last Sunday's trail around the village took in some very well-trodden paths, but it's been a while since we trod them, and there were plenty of changes to note on the circuit. These included:

- the demolition of the village tennis courts;

- the new villas along Cash Avenue;

- the new Landcare planting on Cash Avenue;

- the new security gates protecting Samford Grove from another Hash invasion;

- the new concrete car parking area at the school; and

- the new development on Station St.

Add these all up, along with everything else that's happened over the last couple of decades...and it's clear that our old home-town is looking pretty different from the way it would have looked to the founders of Samford Hash 32 years ago. Most long-term hashers are looking pretty different too....

If you thought there were a lot of us at the hash, you were right - there were quite a few. Cash Converta counted 33 hominids and 5 canines. She did the count three times and got the same answer each time (which is what you'd expect from someone with her extensive banking experience). And here are some of her impressionistic shots of the hashing hordes gathered round the back of the old Farmers' Hall:

Around the beginning of April, as the evenings draw in and it becomes increasingly likely that people will get benighted on the trail, we normally move to our winter start time of 4 pm. Trouble is, it's been so unseasonably hot this year that starting at 4 has seemed rather unattractive so far. Still, the BOM is now predicting that daily maximums will drop next week (at last)...and we agreed in the circle that we'd make the big move on the 9th of April. Please mark your diaries!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 2nd April, 5 pm (note: the last of the summer runs)

Where: Upstanding and Idle Vice's Wilston hangout

Hares: Idle Vice and Upstanding


And if you need directions to this run, please email us at

On, on!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

More gore

A week or two ago, we revisited some links to hash injuries - and if you didn't take the chance to gross yourself out then, you might like to follow up those links now by clicking here. This Sunday we got together another line-up of the walking (and running) wounded...aren't we a brave bunch, smiling through our tears?

And after such a concentration on our physical woes, perhaps it was no surprise that the jokes and conversation in the circle plunged into a discussion of body parts - male and female bits....

Shockjock had set what might be called a real hash trail, with a number of 3-way checks, any number of on-backs, and plenty of ups and downs (according to Strava, 180 m of each). And for the runners - in honour of the saint who drove the snakes out of Ireland - there was even a beer stop, featuring a very welcome stash of home-brewed stout. You can't say the runners are not religious, even if they didn't wear green. And it's all good training for next year's beer mile!

Here are some of Snappy's shots of the gathering at the old dump (OK, James Drysdale Reserve), of the first bit of the walk, and of the really tasty Mexican feast Miss Demeanour provided. Many, many thanks to our hares! A great trail, and a great meal!

Remember the old hash ditty "Who's the w**ker on the phone"? 

Our hash jeweler, Jamesbondage, had been hard at work, and we were able to present Racy with her Hash name necklace. Thanks to him!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 19th March, 5 pm

Where: Farmers' Hall, Main Street, Samford Village

Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Calm after the storm

If there's a word for "the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth" (and there is - it's "arachibutyriophobia"), you'd think there must be a word for "the calm after a storm". But apparently there's not. Any suggestions? We need something that captures the essence of scenes like these, as photographed by Snappy on Sunday:

Our hares had set a couple of trails on Sunday morning - but of course these were totally washed out in the downpour. So live trail-setting was the order of the day, and these trails took us from the centre of the village along some well-washed pathways to enjoy some intense "petrichor" (another good word, that, for "the scent of earth after rain"). Here are some of Snappy's shots from our gathering and the walk:

We then headed back to the hares' place for some excellent chili, rice, and spud bake - and ice-blocks, too! Many thanks to Banger and Make an Offer!

Three short-cutters:

Next run/walk details

When: 20th March, 5 pm

Where: James Drysdale Reserve - picnic table near the top. A map! And please remember to bring chairs!

Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour

Chairs, people, chairs!

On, on!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Lovers' Walk on a lovely afternoon

Conditions were perfect this last Sunday for a seaside saunter out along the pier (to reach - surprise, surprise! - an On Back at the end) and then a waterside wander along Lovers' Walk. Snappy was in her element, taking beautiful views of the surroundings and some even more beautiful views of Samford Hashers - the original Beautiful People. Here are some of her shots from the walk - and look out for Gunther, making his contribution to the scenery, and then his contribution to the greenery.

Runners and walkers both looped back through the very spic and span Shorncliffe houses, and the runners also took in the prawn trawlers and million-dollar boats along the inlet.

Back at the park we replenished our precious bodily fluids and tucked in to some luscious fare. Many, many thanks to our hares! And to the Beermeisters and Winos as well!

As the moon rose over the water we held a traditional naming ceremony for someone who has been coming along, on and off, for quite a while now. Congratulations to Racy on her new moniker!

Finally - it turns out that we didn't get the full story of what happened on last weekend's camping trip. In particular, we missed the bit about a group of hashers being turfed out of the pub for bad behaviour...doesn't this seem hard to believe? And, as promised last week, here are a few more pics from a very enjoyable weekend:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 12th March, 5 pm

Where:  Opposite Dayboro IGA (child care centre carpark). A map!

Hares: Banger and Make an Offer

On, on!