Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Cold sausages and warm champagne

Last Sunday we met at quaint Dalkeith Park. Originally the site housed Dalkeith Private Hospital from 1927 to 1990. Up until recently, the site contained a 42 metre deep shaft used for drilling the new airport tunnel.

For something different, we had two live hares - Payback and Le W*nk. They took off like startled chooks as Upstanding contemplated what horrors he would inflict upon them if they were caught.

Back at the park, many hands attempted to ingite the barbecue - to no avail. Some suggested that this would never have happened in the Moreton Bay Region. As a result, we had cold sausages and coleslaw which ended up suprisingly delicious.

Meanwhile, one of our wine connoisseurs complained that the champagne was not cold enough and should have been put on ice - we will mention no names.

Here are some pictures of the sights and some shots in the park:

The park before the hoard arrived

A little cottage

Le W*nk and Payback stopped off at the local Catholic church to say a few Hail Mary's

Lovely - cold sausages

Not happy Jan - my champagne isn't cold enough

I'm so happy - the V-Dub is getting a new engine
Next Sunday will be another potluck. James Bondage and Redbreast have offered to set the run.

Next weeks run/walk details

When: Sunday 3rd July, 4 pm

Where: McCook Park, cnr Finsbury St and Edmonstone St, Newmarket. A map!

Hares: Potluck (bring something to share) James Bondage and Redbreast will mark the trail

Please bring a chair.

On, on!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Winter's Tale

"Exit, pursued by a bear" (Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, Act III, sc. iii) There are some reasonably famous bears around Ironbark Gully, and the runners encountered them on last Sunday's midwinter trail:

Their names (apparently) are Winston and Wendy, and they have their own website.  But like most Instagrammers, they seem more interested in showing off their clothes than in pursuing anyone. So the following, which has been doing the rounds of the net, doesn't really apply:

The walkers kept to the lowlands, well away from any bears. Was it concern about being pursued that caused one walker to abandon the women and children when they turned off into the bush and crossed the creek? He took the long way round (via Ferny Grove station), arrived back late, and was hence nominated for a freezing down, down.

Here are a few shots of the group back at Ironbark Gully, where Potluck, as usual, produced a magnificent feast. Some people clearly don't feel the cold....

Le W*nk and Lax have volunteered as hares yet again this coming Sunday, but warned us to expect traditional hash fare of snags and salad. Nothing wrong with that!

Next weeks run/walk details

When: Sunday 26th June, 4 pm

Where: Dalkeith Park, cnr Rose St and Park Road, Wooloowin. A map!

Hares: Lax and Le W*nk

It might be wise to bring a chair.

On, on!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The phantom of the Hash

This last Sunday's run and walk were not for the faint-hearted as the evening shadows drew in over the historic Nundah cemetery. As we'd expected and predicted, the group of brave souls that gathered there was once more a small one, but their numbers were swelled by the presence of a local ghost or two. Walkers and runners ventured out along the bike path and returned to enjoy a ghost story or two and an excellent curry. Many thanks to our scary hares, Lax and Le W*nk!

So - our hash caravaners have finally returned from out west, and the drawn-out extended season of "Hay Fever" is over. At last we can look forward to returning to some semblance of normality on Sunday afternoons! Here are a few final shots from Strine, including one of the chalk board that recorded the second-largest sapphire found this year:

We hope to see our numbers starting to swell again from next week. Ghosts are always welcome too!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 19th June, 4 pm (Ghosts take note - it's a Winter Solstice meet!)

Where: Ironbark Gully, Ferny Grove. A map!

Hares: M. Promptu will set the trail. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Flood recovery

Le W*nk led the runners and Lax the walkers on a tour of inspection along Kedron Brook. Some flood damage was still blindingly obvious - for example, to the brand new artificial turf soccer pitch at Teralba Park (it now looks like a very complicated mini-golf course.) In other areas new foliage growth was starting to mask views of the scoured-out creek banks. But it will certainly take a while for the Brook to return to its familiar state...and the BOM is predicting a wet winter!

Here are a few shots of some walkers heading off to view the devastation:

Back home at the park, Potluck provided the usual varied and sumptuous feast:

We celebrated Dumbell's birthday in the usual fashion...

as well as with a magnificent cake!

Thanks to all for their contributions to the tucker, to the winos and beermeisters, and to the photographers!

Our hash caravaners have been exploring dinosaur country at Muttaburra, completing a 200 km sculpture circuit, taking in some culture at an outback cabaret, enjoying some out-west sunrises, and fossicking for gems at Rubyvale. The word is that Strine found a 129.1 carat sapphire, which is now the talk of the town!

Once again, for various reasons we're expecting a small group at next Sunday's run - which is a pity, because it promises to be a really interesting one. If you'd like to check out the history of the area the group will be exploring, Idle Vice has provided links to some local history sites here and here.

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 12th June, 4 pm

Where: Nundah Historic Cemetery, 88 Hedley Avenue, Nundah. A map!

Hares: Le W*nk and Lax

We suggest you bring a chair.

On, on!