As his name suggests, fitness trainer and weight lifter Dumbbell is the strongest, fittest person among us. So it's sobering to find that even he can sometimes overestimate his capabilities and attempt a physical feat that results in injury. That's what happened this last Sunday morning when he wrecked his back while trying to put his shoes on....Luckily Saucy Sous stepped up and set the trail as well as preparing a vegetarian masterpiece for the Potluck dinner. Thanks to her! And Get Well Soon, Dumbbell!
A number of people are away at the moment and we had a smallish crew for the village circuit and Potluck feast. Gunter is still recovering from his ACL operation and we miss him. Lax, Le W*nk and crew were living it up again - this time in Cairns. We need to ask Lax how well he was able to talk under water:
It was good that the lights came on in the shelter when they did - it's clearly time for our shift to a 4 pm start, before we begin losing people out on trail (as we have before now):
Nipliquor turned 16 this week! Here's a shot of him at Hash Christmas 2009; he's been around Hash for pretty well all his life....
We're back in the metropolis of Dayboro next week - and remember, it's a 4 pm start.
Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 3rd April, 4 pm - repeat - 4 pm
Where: Opposite Dayboro IGA - childcare carpark. A map!
Hares: Banger and Make an Offer will set the run. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share.)
Jamesbondage and Redbreast took the walkers on a scenic stroll along Cabbage Tree Creek (or Tighgum, if you like) this last Sunday. The pathway had been thoroughly cleaned up following its inundation and some significant flood-gouged erosion was being repaired. Let's hope this work is completed by the time the next Big One comes....The runners added a loop through part of Bunyaville, where a lot of the tracks are still closed. Thanks to our hares!
Back at Arlington Park, Potluck as usual provided a splendid and varied feast. Thanks to all for their contributions! And note Culture's special talent for making just about everyone she photographs look uncharacteristically serious, even glum - what's all that about???
As these pictures indicate, the days are drawing in. We normally move to a 4 pm start time at around the beginning of April, so if we follow our usual practice we'll do this on Sunday the 3rd of April. A topic for next week's circle....
Finally, congratulations to Feral on a hilarious stand-up performance at the Brisbane Powerhouse on Saturday. (If you haven't seen the video, ask Redbreast for a viewing.) She looked and sounded great!
Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 27th March, 5 pm.
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: Dumbbell and Saucy Sous will set the run. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share).
Hare Haughty attempted to set a trail that would leave everyone dry-shod - not very authentically hashy, nor very easy to do at the moment. But he figured we've all had enough of mud for the moment....In the end, with the aid of some stepping stones, he was largely successful in his aim. This week also saw the welcome return of the hash keg in the form of our beer and wine eskys, and we made full use of them (thanks again to our Beermeisters and Winos!).
The trail took us around the classy Royal Estates, finishing up on a classy deck at the Samford Rangers Association Football Club. Here are a couple of sunset shots, courtesy of Cash Converta:
And the group at the end (thanks to Make an Offer for the photography):
News is that B&W has completed his ultra-marathonic cycling effort, with a time for the Peaks Challenge of well under 10 hours! Congratulations! See last week's post for information about the cause he and his companions have been riding for. And here, once again, is the link through which you can donate towards MND research and support.
We also viewed samples of the sort of engraved waterbottles that Dumbbell can produce. Look to your emails to confirm or update your order.
As the Omicron wave seems to be ending, we held further discussions in the circle about catering arrangements for the future. We resolved that from next week we'll start to share Pot Luck offerings rather than just Bringing Our Own food. There's something about sharing a meal that we've been missing over the last several weeks....
Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 20th March, 5 pm
Where: Arlington Park, Bunya Road, Arana Hills. A map!
Hares: Jamesbondage and Redbreast will set the trail. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)
Without warning, Mile High was offered the opportunity last week to take an exam to renew his pilot's licence. He passed - without having done any preparation - and so has his wings back! Question is - how would you feel if you were boarding a plane and saw this fella in the pilot's seat?
The skies were threatening again as we met this last Sunday, and a couple of downpours between 5 and 6 saw us returning to the shelter in John Scott Park a bit earlier than usual for BYO drinks and eats. No photos this week, since Culture's phone broke after she'd recorded the gathering for posterity, and we haven't been able to retrieve the images. The occasion will just have to live in our memories....
Meanwhile...B&W and Trudi Fruti are in the middle of his 10 day, 2500 km fundraising ride from Brisbane to Falls Creek, having left on the 2nd March. As Trudi Fruti says "To put it in perspective...that is 75% of the distance of last years’ Tour de France in 50 % of the time (without the rest days the pros get). They [B&W and his cycling buddies] are even doing two laps around Bathurst (one in each direction) for “fun”." They'll then be completing the Peaks Challenge Falls Creek (rated as one of the top 10 hardest one-day amateur cycling events in the world) in under 10 hours. Here's the program:
To quote Trudi Fruti again: "Mountains 4 Murray honours a good friend, and fellow cyclist, who was diagnosed with MND in 2018. MND and Me is a charity that has supported Murray and his family for the past 4 years, and who raise money for vital MND research, as there is currently no cure." You can donate via this link to this really worthy cause. And we look forward to hearing all about it when they get home.
In the circle this week we decided to continue with the BYO food arrangements for the moment; however we will be going back to the Hash keg for drinks (thanks to our Beermeisters and Winos).
The odd shower or two this last weekend put a dampener on Hash activities, and given the state of the intended meeting place (as shown in this video) we decided - for one of the very few occasions in our history - to cancel our Sunday run and walk. The following are some contributions illustrating the sorts of fun that hashers got up to instead.
Shockjock: "On Sunday I helped a mate rearrange his furniture." Dialogue: "D'you reckon it'll fit up the driveway?" "Well, it got down the driveway." "Oh, yeah, good point."
Floater: "A busy Sunday afternoon at Arana Hills, checking out my new waterfall and creek. Squabbling in the chook pen. It's all fun and games until someone gets pecked in the eye. She got to sleep in a warm dry human house and watch TV...with her good eye. Pink socks in wet shoes = pink feet."
Mile High and Hugandkiss: "And so the rain continues to fall. We have several waterfalls on our land however the gully is the most spectacular. Instead of hashing we are busy managing water inside and outside our house."
Strine and Charcoal: "On Friday we went and bought a Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner to try to vacuum up the water that is seeping from under the boulders, behind the cellar wall. We have spent as many sessions as we could vacuuming up the water, tipping it into buckets to walk along the wall & tip it out onto the already water logged grass. We were also cut off for a day by the water flowing swiftly over the bridge at the bottom of the Buranda Rd hill, something we haven’t seen in over 30 years here."
Elsewhere, Mitchelton tried to imitate Venice outside Le W*nk and Lax's place:
But overdid the Venice thing indoors:
Here are a couple of views from near Upstanding and Idle Vice's place at Wilston. No need to drive anywhere to go paddle boarding:
And a view of the area where we met recently for Eweshggr and Flaps Down's run/walk:
Payback and Cash Converta's dam was a bit more than 100% full (it is still under there somewhere, they think):
Here is Cedar Creek on Sunday:
Haughty and Culture's private waterfall:
Culture exercising on Sunday afternoon - doing stretches at the furthest point she and Haughty could go in one direction along Cedar Creek Road, then doing squats at the furthest point they could go in the other direction (about 150 metres up the road):
Meanwhile Where's the Beef? reports from Japan ""We’re still on a “quasi” state of emergency here in Tokyo so no regular hashes. This is from a Sunday afternoon run with a beer stop along the Tama River."
And in the Dubai airport, Superhacker relaxed in the Hash socks we gave her:
Budgie and Miss Behavin' were going to be taking us on a Bald Hills excursion this coming Sunday. However the area is still so devastated that this has had to be postponed. Instead we'll simply enjoy another Brazilian (hareless) run/walk from our home ground of John Scott Park. There's the odd shower or two predicted for this coming weekend, but after what we've been through we won't even notice them. Remember that we are still doing the BYO food and drink thing for the moment.
Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 6th March, 5 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village (the planned Bald Hills run/walk has had to be postponed).
Hares: A Brazilian (hareless) run/walk - M. Promptu will set the trail. BYO drinks and eats. Perhaps bring a chair as well.